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                                                                                                                                                                       The 2 Over 1 System        



 1. Some Historical Notes.


     The Standard American System is really one of two systems called the CLASSICAL System  & the NEO-CLASSICAL System.

     The CLASSICAL system is the older of the two & returns to an earlier time when the bidding system was more symmetrical & uniform with respect to balanced

     & unbalanced hands, where all point ranges are in increments of 3, & a minimum opening hand requires 13-15 points, an intermediate hand is 16-18 points 

     including the 1NT opening,  a strong hand is 19-21 points, & a super-strong hand is 22+ points including the 2NT opening of 22-24  points.

     In contrast, the NEO-CLASSICAL System allows 1NT to be opened with 15-17 points & 2NT with 20-21 points. But it should be noted that the point ranges for

     unbalanced hand bidding are identical to the Classical System.  Thus, the only real difference between the two systems is in the opening point range requirements

     for balanced hands.  These are summarized as follows:


                  Classical System                                                                                 Neo-Classical System


                     16-18 pts     opens 1NT                                                                         15-17 pts     opens 1NT

                     19-21 pts     opens 1 in a suit & jumps in no-trump                                  18-19 pts     opens 1  in a suit & jumps in no-trump

                                                                                                                                 20-21 pts    opens 2NT

                     22-24 pts     opens 2NT                                                                          22-24 pts     opens 2C & bids 2NT

                     25-27 pts     opens 3NT                                                                          25-27 pts     opens 3NT



      This CLASSICAL system evolved from CHARLES GOREN's BIDDING SYSTEM of the 1950’s which provided the skeleton  of the current day

      Standard American System. It was pretty widely used up until the early 1980’s  at which time the Neo-Classical system was introduced.

      But still many people use the Classical System.


      As time progressed, there were some improvements made to Goren's Classical system with respect to:

        a.  The introduction of Weak Two openings with 2 clubs as artificial & strong, thereby eliminating all 2-level openings being strong.

        b.  The introduction of the 5-Card Major opening, thereby eliminating  openings  in a four card major suit,.

        c.  The introduction of  Bidding Up-The-Line at the one level.

        d.  The introduction of the Convenient Minor including 1D,  thereby extending the idea of the short club opening..

        e.  The elimination  of the drop-dead  bid over a no trump opening by the introduction of  Stayman & Jacoby Transfers.

         f.  The recognition of a reverse bid to be a stronger than a bare minimum opening  point count.

         g. The implementation of the negative double.

       By the late 1970s, the system was well matured & used almost exclusively, even though other systems like Shenken, Percision,

       & Kapp & Sheinwold  were also in use. Today, almost all elderly bridge  players use this system, many of whom have not varied from Goren's

       original system, because that was they way they learned Goren.. They still do things like opening with a 4-card major &  consider responder's

       immediate jump to 2 NT  to be game forcing. It's a shame, because they are missing a lot of very fine tools that have been added.


      You would be hard pressed to find  a duplicate player using the Classical System, since they have all  migrated to the Neo-Classical System 

      ( ie,  15 - 17 point 1NT opening  system),  & Two-Over-One responses. However, the CLASSICAL system is still a good one and one

      that I prefer, because of it's uniformity between balanced and unbalanced hands and is simple to remember. And it has kept pace with all of the

      more recent conventions.


2.  So what is the difference between the Classical and Neo-Classical Systems?.

      The biggest difference is  earmarked by the number  strata (or  point ranges) in the 13 to 21 point spectrum  for balanced hands.

      The Classical System is a simple and uniform 3-strata system where there are only three point ranges between 13 & 21 to depict balanced hands,

      these being  the 13-15 point range, the 16-18 point range,  & the 19-21 point range. This is in contrast to the  Neo-Classical 4-strata  system which has

       four point ranges, those being  13-14, 15-17, 18-19, &  20-21 point ranges.  The 4-strata system basically evolved from the 3-strata system.

      Therefore, I call it NEO-CLASSIC.


       In the Classical System,  the point ranges for the balanced hand openings (ie,  13-15, 16-18, &  20-21 )  are consistent  with the  point range definitions

       for unbalanced hand openings, & are therefore "UNIFORM"'. This is not the case with the Neo-Classical System, because the balanced hand point

       ranges are "SKEWED"  down from the unbalanced hand point ranges which stayed the same as the Classical System.  So there is no difference between

       the two systems when it comes to bidding unbalanced hands.


       For balanced hand bidding, the biggest difference raises it's head in opening the 22-24 point balanced hand.

       The Classical System will open this hand with 2NT. But the Neo-Classical System will open it 2C, followed by 2NT. 

       The fact is, there was much sacraficed all for little gain in going from the Classical to  the Neo-Classical Systems.

       The point range definitions for both systems as depicted below.


                                    CLASSICAL SYSTEM                                                        NEO-CLASSICAL SYSTEM


                          Points       Opening Bid                                                                     Points                Opening Bid                                                            

               Balanced Hand                                                                                     Balanced Hand

                     3-Strata --------------------------------------                                     4-Strata --------------------------------------------

                           13-15    1 in a minor, then bid 1NT                                                    13-14               1 in a minor, then bid 1NT.                               

                          16-18    1NT                                                                                     15-17               1NT                  

                          19-21    1 in minor then jump to 2NT                                                   18-19               1 in minor, then jump to 2NT

                                                                                                                                 20-21               2NT          

                     End of  Strata --------------------------------                                     End of Strata --------------------------------------


                          22-24     2NT                                                                                     22-24              2C  followed with 2NT rebid                               

                          25-27     3NT                                                                                     25+                 2C  followed by strong bid                                   

                          28+        2C                                                                                                                          .


               Unbalanced Hand                                                                                     Unbalanced Hand

                         6-11    2 or 3 pre-empt with long suit                                                        Same as Classical


                   3-Strata --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         13-15     1 in a  suit                                                                                Same as Classical

16-18           1 in a suit, then give a jump raise, a jump rebid, or a

               strong reverse bid.        

                         19-21      1 in a suit, then give a jump shift or a strong  reverse bid.

                    End of Strata ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 


                         22+       2C                                                                                             Same as Classical


3.   Bidding Basics.


       a. The Opening Bidding System For the Opening pair.


            1. Opener; If you have 5 or more cards in a suit or suits, open your highest ranking suit first, unless you have 6 clubs and 5 spades, then

                open 1 club, follow with spades on 2nd round, & follow with spades on 3rd round. Do not open in a major suit if you have fewer than 5

                cards in it. If you do not have a five card major or better,  then open a convenient minor or stubby club.If playing the stubby club,

                you promise a 4-card diamond suit when you open 1D. Without a 4-card diamond suit, open 1 club even it only has 2 cards.

                If your partner ( responder) has not previously passed & he bids a new suit, you are forced to bid again. Remember, you will be forced

                to bid each time  if partner has not previously passed & bids a new suit.


                           2. Responder; for your first bid keep in mind, that if you have not previously passed & you bid a new suit, you are forcing opener to

                               bid again (unless  you have an agreed upon a convention for the situation). Try to keep your bidding at the low levels. Don't take up

                               bidding room unless you have to. In choosing your suits, try to bid the longest suits first. If you don't have a 5 card suit, then bid up-the-line.

                 If your partner opens 1S & you bid 2H, you are promising at least 5 hearts & 10 points. If your partner opens in 3rd position,

                 remember that your partner may have a weaker than normal opening hand, so work extra hard to keep your first bid low. The Drury

                 system is especially useful when partner is 3rd hand and has opened in a major suit. With 3+ card support in the major suit & 10-11

                 points, a bid of 2C  asks partner if he opened light. If he did, he will respond by rebidding his major at the 2-level. To which you

                should “pass”.  Otherwise he will make a more aggressive bid, probably jumping in his major.. 

                 If your partner  gives a  jump shift on his 2nd bid,  then you are forced to bid again, unless playing the COMPRESSED SYSTEM. 


             3. First Round Bidding.                  

                                             Opening                                                                         Responses


                  Balanced hand (ie, at least 2 cards in each suit)

                     28+           2C


                      25-27        3NT                                                        4C    6+ pts. Gerber asking for aces.

                                                                                                   4N   6-7 pts.   Invites opener to 6N:

                                                                                                   6N   8-9 pts.   Directs  opener to pass.

                                                                                                   5N 10-11 pts. Invites opener  to 7N.

                                                                                                   7N 12+ points. you have 37+ for slam.


                      22-24      2NT                                                        Respond with 3+ pts     

                                                                                                    3C   (Stayman) with 4 card major.

                                                                                                   3D   (Jacoby Transfer) with 5 or more hearts,

                                                                                                   3H   (Jacoby Transfer) with 5 or more spades.

                                                                                                   3S   means nothing

                                                                                                   3N   limit raise with 3-8 points, denies 4 card majors,

                                                                                                   4C  9+ pts. can use Gerber asking for aces.

                                                                                                   4N  9-10 pts, no 4 card major. Invites opener  to 6N

                                                                                                   6N  11-12 pts, no 4 card major. Directs opener to pass.

                                                                                                   5N  13-14 pts, no 4 card major. Invites opener  to 7N

                                                                                                   7N  15+ points.  Directs opener to  pass


                     19-21     1 in minor then jump in NT                       Responder is forced to bid on 2nd bid


                     16-18    1NT                                                        Must have at least 7 points.

                                                                                                 2C (Stayman) with 4 card major.

                                                                                                 2D (Jacoby Transfer) with 5 or more hearts,

                                                                                                 2H Jacoby Transfer) with 5 or more spades.

                                                                                                 2S means nothing

                                                                                                 2N limit raise with 7-8 points, denies 4 card major,  invites opener to 3 N.

                                                                                                 3N jump limit raise with 9-14 pts,  denies 4 card major, directs opener to pass

                                                                                                 4C 15+ pts. can use Gerber asking for aces

                                                                                                 4N 15-16 pts, no 4 card major. invites opener  to 6N  

                                                                                                 6N 1 7-18 pts, no 4 card major.  Directs opener to pass

                                                                                                 5N 19-20 pts, no 4 card major. Invites opener  to  7N

                                                                                                 7N  21+ points. Directs opener  to  pass


                     12-15  1 in a minor                                                Up-the-line with 6+ pts & 4 card major,   (unless you also have 5+ card major)

                                                                                                Stay at 1 level with 6-9 pts & new suit

                                                                                                1N with 6-9 pts, no 4+ card major;  & no 5-card support.

                                                                                                 Simple limit raise with 6-9 pts, no 4+ card  major, but 5-card support.

                                                                                                 2N with 10-12 pts, no 4+ card major. invites opener to 3N.

                                                                                                 Jump limit raise with 10-12 pts, no 4+card major, but 5-card support.

                                                                                                 With 13+ pts, stay low, but force via new suit.


                 Unbalanced hand


                      22+         2 Clubs                                                   2D Waiting or 2D Bust.   


                     19 -21      1 in a suit then jump shift.                         Responder is forced to bid again


           16-18      1 in a suit then jump raise.                         Not forcing


                     12-15      1 in a major suit                                        Simple limit raise with 6-9 pts & 3+ card support.

                                                                                                     Jump limit raise with 10-12 pts & 3+ card support

                                                                                                     Bid 1N with 6-9 pts & no support & no other major.

                                                                                           Jump to  2N with 10-12 pts & no support & no other major.


           12-15    1 in a minor suit                                          Bid Up-The-Line unless you have a 5 card suit.

                                                                                                     Bid 1NT with 6-9 pts & no major.    

                                                                                                     Bid  2NT with 10-12 pts & no major.


                     5-11     2 or 3 pre-empt with long suit                      Bid 2N or raise opener if you have at least three.Quick Tricks          


3.  The table below summarizes the opening bids and subsequent bid sequences  for the  CLASSICAL system as it stood  through the 1980’s.

      This table is also good for the NEO-CLASSIC system, excluding the balanced hand initial openings..          


                                CLASSICAL  BIDDING SYSTEM  REFERENCE   SHEET


BALANCED HANDS (At least 2 cards in every suit abd no more than one doubleton)


To Open                                ||                              To Respond when No Contention Bid                                     | To Respond after A Contention Bid

---------------| ----------| Vul    ||            | With No 4 card Maj &      | With 4 Card Major,      |With 5+ card suit        |

 BID            |  Points   |   is     || Points   | No 5+card suit, BID       |  BID                           |No 4 card maj, BID     |                        

---------------|--------- -|------- ||----------|-----------------------------|----------------------------|---------------------------| ---------------------------------------                                                                                    

 7NT            |   39-40   | any   ||             | PASS <--------------------|same <------------------|--same <----------------|<------same


 3NT            |   25-27  |  any   || 12+      |  7NT (close out)             | 7NT(closeout)              | 7NT(close out)            |

                  |              |          ||10-11    |  6NT(close out)               | 4C(stayman)              | 6NTclose out)             |

                  |              |          || 8-9       |  5NT(invites to 7NT)        | 4C(stayman)              | 5NT(invites to 7NT)     | 

                  |              |          || 6-7       |  4NT(invites to 6NT)        | 4C(stayman)              | 4NT(invite to 6NT)      |

                                                                                                                                                                                       An Overcall is not

 2NT            |    22-24 |  any   ||  15+     | 7NT(close out)                | 7NT(close out)            | 7NT(close out)          |   likely over your

                  |              |          ||  13-14  | 6NT(close out)                 | 3C(stayman)               | 6NT(close out)          |   partner’s 2+ opening.

                  |              |          ||  11-12  | 5NT(invites to 7NT)          | 3C(stayman)               | 5NT(invites to 7NT)   |

                  |              |          ||  9-10    | 4NT(invites to 6NT)          | 3C(stayman)               | 4NT(invites to 6NT    |

                  |              |          ||   3-8     | 3NT(closeout)                  |3C(stayman)               | Jacoby (3D or 3H)   |

Suit at 1      |    19-21  |  any   ||SEE BELOW - Opposite Opener with 13-15 pts                     |                              |

level, then   |              |          ||   Then after partner’s 2nd bid:  (you are forced to bid once more.)                       |

jump shift    |              |          ||  18+    | 7NT(close out)                  | No Stayman.               | 7NT(close out)         |

to 2NT          |             |          ||  16-17  | 6NT(close out)                 | Partner does not          | 6NT(close out)        |    

                   |             |          ||  14-15  | 5NT(invites to 7NT)          | have 4 card major.      | 5NT(invites to 7NT)  |

                   |             |          ||  12-13  | 4NT(invites to 6NT)          | He would have             | 4NT(invites to 6NT) |  

                   |             |           ||   6-11   | 3NT(close out)                | shifted to it.                | Rebid your suit.      |

 1NT             |   16-18 |  any    ||  21+    | 7NT(close out)                 |7NT (closeout)             | 7NT(close out)        |    

                   |             |           ||  19-20  | 6NT(close out)                 |2C(stayman)               | 6NT(close out)        |

                   |             |           ||  17-18  | 5NT(invites to 7NT)          |2C(stayman)               | 5NT(invites to 7NT)  |

                   |             |           ||  15-16  | 4NT (invites to 6NT)         |2C(stayman)               | 4NT(invites to 6NT)  | 

                   |             |           ||  13-14  | 3NT                                |2C(stayman)               |                               | 

                   |             |           ||   9-12   | 3NT(closeout)                 |2C(stayman)                | 2H(jacoby xfr to S)  |

                   |             |           ||   7-8     | 2NT(invite to 3NT)           |2C(stayman)               | 2D(jacobyxfr to H)  |


Minor at 1    |     13-15 | any    || 13-15  | 3NT                                                                     |Do not show new      | Bid normally. With

level , then  |              |           || 10-12  | 3 of PS (partners suit)       |                                  |suit at 2+ level        | 6 to 9 pts, be careful of going

make min    |              |          || 10-12  | 2NT if no support               |                                  |without 10+ pts.       | beyond the 1 level. “DOUBLE”

bid.             |              |          ||  10+    | 2D over 1H or 1S              | To find 4-4 fit, bid        |Must have 5+ H       | with 4 card unbid major.             

                  |              |          ||  10+    | 2C over 1D,1H or 1S          | UP-THE-LINE,             |for 2H over 1S.       | Otherwise, bid 5-card suit.

                  |               |          || 5-9      | 2of PS with suppor t          | unless you have          |With under 10 pts,   |  Realize that yours is a FREE   

                  |              |          ||  5-9     | 1NT if no support               |  5+ spades over          |1 in your longest    | BID & may be intrepreted as                           

                  |              |          ||  <5      | PASS <-----------------------|--same <---------------- |--same                  | having 10+ POINTS.






To Open                                                ||                         To Respond when No Contention Bid                                         | To Respond after A Contention Bid

---------------|------with -----------| Vul     ||            | With No 4 card Maj &      | With 4 Card Major,      |With 5+ card suit       |

 BID            |   Dist       |Points   |   is     || Points   | No 5+card suit, BID       |  BID                           |No 4 card maj, BID    |                        

---------------|----------- -|---------|-------- ||----------|-----------------------------|----------------------------|--------------------------| --------------------------------------- 

  2C             |  Unbal       | 22-38 |  any   || 11+      | 2D Waiting  on to slam    | <------same <----  ----|<-----same ---------->|

                   |                |           |          ||  4-10    | 2D WAITING on to game |                                 |                               |

                   |                |           |          ||  0-3      | 2D Waiting. Do not bid    |                                 |                               |

                   |                |           |          ||             | voluntarily passed 2NT.   |                                 |                               |

  4H             |  7+H        | 22-24  |  any   ||  0- 8     | PASS <------------------- -|-------same   <------    |--same                       |


                   |                |           |          ||                                                                                                                         |                  A    

Suit at 1       |  Unbal      | 19-21  |  any   ||SEE BELOW - Opposite Opener with 13-15 pts                     |                                 |                   |

level, then    |                |           |          ||    Then after partner’s 2nd bid:  (you are forced to bid once more.)                        | With 10+ points, you can bid

jump shift     |                |           |          ||            | If partnr shfted to minr   | If partnr shfted to        |                                  | thru the 3 level. If you have 4

to new suit    |                |           |          ||             | you may have 4-4 fit.     | maj, possible 4-4 fit    | Rebid your suit.          | card unbid major,”DOUBLE”.

or reverse    |                |           |          ||                                                                                                                         | If you have protected stop in  

                   |                |           |          ||                                                                                                                         | opponent’s suit, try NT. If you

                   |                |           |          ||                                                                                                                         | have protected stops in all unbid

                   |                |           |          ||                                                                                                                         | suits, give WESTERN QUE in

                   |                |           |          ||                                                                                                                         |  opponent’s suit to tell partner

                   |                |           |          ||                                                                                                                         | to bid NT if he has opp’s suit

                   |                |           |          ||                                                                                                                         | stopped. Otherwise, use

Suit at 1       |  Unbal      | 16-18  | any    || SEE BELOW - Opposite Opener with 13-15 pts                   |                                  | EASTERN QUE to show you

level, jump   |                |           |          ||    Then after partner’s 2nd bid:  (you are not forced to bid again.)                          | have opp’s suit stopped to               

in prev suit   |                |           |          ||      7+  |  Look for game or better.                                                                       | invite partner to bid NT. If

or reverse    |                |           |          ||     <7   | PASS <-------------------- |-- same <-------------    |--same                       | none of the above, then ignore

                   |                                                                                                                                                                    |

Longest        |   UnBal     | 13-15  | any    || 13-15  | 3NT                                                                   |Do not show new         | Bid normally. With

Suit at 1 level|                |           |          || 10-12  | 3 of PS (partners suit).    |                                  |suit at 2+ level             | 6 to 9 pts, be careful of going

(Highest rank|                |            |          || 10-12  | 2NT if no support .          |                                  |without 10+ pts.           | beyond the 1 level. “DOUBLE”

if equal) BUT |                |            |          ||  10+   | 2D over 1H or 1S.           | To find 4-4 fit, bid       |Must have 5+ H            | with 4 card unbid major.             

not MAJOR if  |               |            |          ||  10+   | 2C over 1D,1H or 1S.      | UP-THE-LINE,              |for 2H over 1S.            | Otherwise, bid 5-card suit.

under 5 crd.  |                |            |          || 5-9     | 2 of PS with support.       | unless you have          |With under 10 pts,        |  Realize that yours is a FREE   

                    |                |           |          ||  5-9     | 1NT if no support.           |  5+ spades over          |1 in your longest          |  BID & may be intrepreted as

No subsqn     |                |           |           ||  5+     | 1D over 1C.                    |  4 card heart suit.       |(hi rank if =) suit.         |  having 10+ POINTS.

   jumps        |                |           |           ||  <5     | PASS <---------------------|--same <---------------- |--same                        |                   |






To Open                                               ||                             To Respond when No Contention Bid                                    | To Respond after A Contention Bid

---------------|------with ------------| Vul   ||             | With No 4 card Maj &      | With 4 Card Major,      |With 5+ card suit     |

 BID            |   Dist       |Points    |   is    || Points   | No 5+card suit, BID       |  BID                           |No 4 card maj, BID  |                        

---------------|------------|----------|------- ||----------|-----------------------------|---------------------------|-----------------------  | --------------------------------------- 

Weak  3       |7+Cards    | 10-11  |  we   ||  Partner says he’s going down 1, 2 or 3 tricks depending on relative                    |              

     or           |    or         |   8-11   |equal ||  vulnerability. Therefore count QUICKTRICKS (not points) to cover                     | 

 Weak 2       |  6 Cards   |   5-11  | they  ||  loss plus extra quicktricks for each new level. 2NT asks for features.                  |


Opener s Note:1st rebid of a minor         ||  Responders Note:  IF YOU HAVE NOT PREVIOUSLY PASSED,                              |

shows 5 card suit. Each unbroken           ||  THEN EACH TIME YOU SHOW NEW SUIT, THE OPENER IS                                   |

rebid shows 1 more card in the suit,       ||  FORCED. Keep yoir bidding low to give opener room. Between the                      |   

be it a major or minor.                          ||  2 of you, the one who does not limit their hand first is in control.                         | 


