This is only one division that has 6 sections separated by ========

Section 1 is the full glossary sorted alphabetically. FULL GLOSSARY SORTED BY ALPHA

Section 2 describes the symbols, acronyms, bidding & suit distribution notations used. SYMBOLS, ACRONYMS, BIDDING & SUIT DISTRIBUTION NOTATIONS

Section 3 contains selected terms sorted by function or class/type.

Section 4 contains selected terms sorted by function or class/type.

Section 5 is a list of bidding systems & conventions. BIDDING SYSTEMS INVENTORY

Section 6 is miscellaneous glossary.



"1-SUITED-HAND" = "SINGLE-SUITED-HAND". This is a player's suit distribution is 6+,3-,3-,3- card holding.

"2-SUITED-HAND" = "PEER-SUITED-HAND". This is a player's suit distribution is 5+,5+,3-,3- card holding.

"3-SUITED-HAND". This is a player's suit distribution is 4,4,4,1 or 5,4,4,0 card holding.

"ACBL". The American Contract Bridge League.

"ACBL RULES". The rules governing the playing of bridge in "TOURNAMENT" matches.

"ARTIFICIAL BID". This is a bid that does not represent the normally understood meaning. Artificial bids are usually conventions adopted by the partnership & are generally forcing 1 round. Example: 2C in response to 1NT opening does not mean a club suit. It is the STAYMAN convention. Compare to "NATURAL BID"

(See Section 3, TYPES OF BIDS)

"AUCTION" = BIDDING STAGE/PHASE. The process of competing in the bidding (against the opposing partnership), wherein the bidding for a final contract starts with the dealer in bid seat #1 and proceeds clockwise a round the table from one player to the next until there are 3 successive refusals to bid any more, at which point the auction ceases and a final contract is declared to be the last bid specified. The bidding proceeds from low levels to successively higher levels based upon "BID-LEVEL" & "SUIT RANK".

"BALANCED-HAND". This is a player's suit distribution is 4,4,3,2 or 4,3,3,3 card holding. Compare to "SEMI-BALANCED HAND", "COMPANION SUITED HAND" & "1,2,3 SUITED HANDS".

"BID". This is a "CALL" made by a player who intends to win & play the "FINAL CONTRACT". It is a "PROPOSED CONTRACT". It is a commitment to take a specified number of tricks in excess of "BOOK", which is half of the 13 tricks possible. The specification is expressed as a combination of "BID-LEVEL" & suit. Example: 3H says "I intend to take 3(+6) or 9 tricks with hearts as trump. 3NT says the same only no trump suit is specified. A "DOUBLE" is a "call" that might also be considered a "bid", although technically it is not. A bid is a proposition of what the final contract should be. It is a proposed final contract. If left uncontested it will become the final contract.

"BID-BOX". A box containing flash cards for making bids instead of making a verbal "CALL". These are boxes (one for each player) containing something like flash cards for bidding instead of making verbal bids.

"BID CONSTRUCT". The construct of a proposed contract bid and the final contract consist of two parts: The "BID-LEVEL" The "BID-SUIT" The bid-level is the first part of the statement and the bid-suit is the last part of the statement. A proposed contract bid might look like this: "four spades (4S)" or "two diamonds(2D)" or "three no-trump (3NT)". The bid-level portion of the bidding construct is valued according to its numerical value. It is analogous to the dollar. The bid-suit portion is valued according to "SUIT RANK". It is analogous to cents.

"BID-LEVEL". The first part of a bid is the BID-LEVEL. The BID-LEVEL says how many tricks the partnership says it will take during the "PLAY OF TRICKS".

One would think that in the bidding a BID LEVEL OF 13 would be possible, since there are 13 tricks. Not true. BID-LEVEL is relative to a base "BOOK" of the first 6 "TRICKS". Therefore, a BID-LEVEL of 1 says the partnership will take 6 tricks plus 1. This means that the highest possible BID-LEVEL is 7 (ie, 6 + 7 =13). It should be intuitive that a bid level of 2 is better than a bid level of 1 & so on. And obviously, the higher the bid level, the greater the bid value.

"BID-POINTS". Those point values assigned to "HONOR" cards for the purposes of bidding.
Ace = 4, King = 3, Queen = 2, Jack = 1.
BID--POINTS only apply during the "AUCTION" & should not be confused with "SUIT-TRICK-VALUE" or "CONTRACT-BONUS-POINTS" which apply to the scoring after the "PLAY-OF-TRICKS".

"BID-SUIT". The second part of a BID is the BID-SUIT.
Not only is the bid-level a part of the bidding construct, but the specification of a suit (or no suit) is required. This is the specification (or designation) of one of the four suits to be a preferred suit having special powers (called "trump") during the play of the hand. There is the option to designate no suit to have such powers, and this is called "No Trump".

"BID-SUIT-VALUE". A player's bid must be higher in "BID-VALUE" than the previous bid. The higher the "BID-LEVEL" goes, then the higher is the "BID-VALUE". Barring any difference in "BID-LEVEL", the "SUIT-RANK" of the "BID-SUIT" determines the "BID-VALUE". A "BID-SUIT" of "NO-TRUMP" is higher in rank than a "BID-SUIT" of spades, spades are higher than hearts, hearts are higher than diamonds, & diamonds are higher than clubs. Thus, a bid of 1D (1 diamond) is worth more than 1C ( 1 club), 1H (1 heart) beats 1D, 1S (1 spade) beats 1H, 1NT (1 NO TRUMP) beats 1S, 2C (2 clubs) beats 1NT, & so on. From this, it should be clear that 7NT is the highest "BID" possible & hence the highest "CONTRACT" possible. 7 + 6 = 13 tricks.

A player's bid must always be higher in "BID-VALUE" than the previous bid. The higher the "BID-LEVEL" goes, then the higher is the "BID-VALUE".

"BIDDING UP-THE-LINE". This is the opening pair's initial biding at the 1-level trying to find a 4-4 major suit fit.

In the absence of opponent bidding & assuming responder has 7+ points, if the opening is 1C or 1D, then responder must bid 1H having 4+ hearts and no more than 4 spades. But if responder has 5+ spades & 4+ hearts, responder must bid 1S & only bid 2H with 10+ points. Or if he also has 5+ hearts with less than 10 points he can bid 2H. If there was an intervening bid of 1D/1C, responder could safely "DOUBLE" with 5 spades and only 4 hearts, giving opener the chance to take his pick.

If the opening is 1H & responder does not have 4+ card support, but has 4+ spades, then responder must bid 1S.

In either case, if opener has 4 cards in responder's major suit, he must not bid up-the-line & raise opener's suit according to his points. (Refer to GENERAL GUIDELINES for more.)

"BLOCKED SUIT". During the "PLAY OF TRICKS", a suit in which the "SUPPORTIVE-PARTNER" does not have low enough cards to transfer directly into the "TALLER-PARTNER'S" suit. Is usually due to an error in the "SUPPORTIVE-PARTNER's" defense.


"BONUS-POINTS". These are points over and above the "CONTRACT-SCORE" awarded for doing well. There are different types including:

"BOARD". The purpose of a "BOARD" is to preserve the original pre-dealt hands when playing "DUPLICATE-BRIDGE". Boards are not used in "PARTY-BRIDGE".

A "BOARD" can be thought of as a DISPENSER, CARD-TRAY or CADDIE that has four pockets (one on each side for each player) to receive and hold the four individual hands that are dealt from a single card deck. The board is uniquely numbered to identify that specific "DEAL". The board is further marked to identify the player positions, North, South East & West. The board is also marked to indicate which of those 4 players is the dealer. A final marking indicates who is vulnerable.

"BOARD-GROUP". For the purpose of playing multiple pre-dealt decks, a complete set of boards is needed. All the boards in a set used in "DUPLICATE-TOURNAMENT" are ordered in sequential number & then divided into smaller sequential groups for distribution to be played at the appropriate time and at the appropriate tables with other appropriate players.

In "PARTY-BRIDGE", there is no need for "boards".

"BOOK". The first 6 "TRICKS" required in fulfilling a "FINAL CONTRACT". This is always six tricks that must be taken by the declaring partnership, in addition to the "BID-LEVEL" of their "FINAL CONTRACT". Since there are 13 tricks to be taken, it is expected that the partnership who won the final contract (the "DECLARERS") in the bidding should be capable of taking at least half of all the tricks. Therefore, a book of 6 represents roughly half of all tricks.

"BOSS SUIT". The spade suit is the boss suit because it is the highest ranked suit,

Example: A,Q,J,T or K,J,T, 9

"BUST-HAND" = "SUPER-WEAK-HAND". A hand with less than 4 "BID-POINTS".

"CALL". This is something stated by a player during the bidding stage. The following are the different types of calls:

"CAPTAIN" = "CONTROLLING PARTNER". The partner who knows the partnership's "COMBINED STRENGTH".

"CARD DECK". A card deck is comprised of 52 cards, less any jokers.

"CARD VALUE". The face value of the cards within a suit applicable during the "PLAY OF TRICKS". From low to high, deuces are low, proceeding upwards to ace being high over the king.

"CASHING". The immediate playing of trick winning cards without regard to what they capture. Is done to assure the winning of those tricks before that opportunity goes away.
Usually occurs when it has become clear that opponent has established a dominant length in a suit over which there in no control.

"CHICAGO-BRIDGE". This is a style of bridge played as a "PARTY-BRIDGE-TOURNAMENT" which negates the need for "BOARDS". It is played as "FIXED-MATCH-ROUNDS" and requires "DUPLICATE-SCORING". It stands in contrast to "RUBBER-BRIDGE" which has "RUBBER-ROUND(S)", making it impossible to time the overall "TOURNAMENT". However, there are those who will play "FIXED-MATCH-ROUNDS", only using "RUBBER-SCORING" which makes for a rather ridiculous "TOURNAMENT".


"COMBINED STRENGTH". The total number of "BID-POINTS" held by a partnership.

"COMBINED SUIT-COUNT" = COMBINED CARD-COUNT. The total number of cards in a suit held by a partnership. The "TALLER SUIT-LENGTH" plus the "SUPPORTING SUIT-LENGTH".


"COMPANION-SUITED HAND" = "MUTT&JEFF HAND". Player's hand suit distribution is a 5+,4,2-,2- card holding.
Will always have a 4-card suit with another longer suit. Should not be considered to be a "2-SUITED HAND".

"CONTENDER" = "ADVANCER" ~ "OVER-CALLER". The 1st opener opponent to not "PASS". His partner automatically becomes the "ADVANCER" or "SPOILER" or "RESPONDENT".


"CONTRACT" = FINAL-CONTRACT ~ PROPOSED-CONTRACT. During the bidding, some might use the term "contract" meaning "propsed contract". This is incorrect usage. "CONTRACT" means the "FINAL CONTRACT". This is the last bid made before three successive "passes" during the bidding. The "BID-LEVEL" becomes the "CONTRACT-LEVEL", & the "BID-SUIT" becomes the "TRUMP-SUIT" or "NO-TRUMP".
During the "PLAY-OF-TRICKS", the partnership must take the "CONTRACT-LEVEL" number of tricks beyond a "BOOK" of six tricks. If they make their contract, they will get a positive raw score. Otherwise, their opponents will get a positive score, & they won't.

A contract is classified as a:




A contract is also classified as follows:




"CONTRACT-BONUS-POINTS" = BONUS-POINTS. If "DECLARER" makes his "CONTRACT", he gets extra points if he does better than just making his contract. These are the extra points exceeding his "SUIT-TRICK-VALUE" that are awarded his partnership for taking "OVER-TRICKS", for completing a "GAME" &/or completing a "SLAM CONTRACT".

If "DECLARER" fails to make his "CONTRACT", then his opponents get "BONUS-POINTS" based on the number of "UNDER-TRICKS" that were lost by "DECLARER".


"CONTRACT-LEVEL". The "BID-LEVEL" of the last bid made during the "AUCTION" becomes the "CONTRACT-LEVEL".

"CONTRACT-SCORE". This is the score awarded to "DECLARER'S" for making bidding and making a "CONTRACT".
It is computed to be = "CONTRACT-TRICKS" X "SUIT-TRICK-VALUE". It does not include "CONTRACT-BONUS-POINTS"

"CONTRACT-SESSION" = "CONTEST-SESSION" = "SESSION" = CONTESTITO. The bidding, play and raw scoring of a "DEAL".

"CONTRACT-SUIT" = "TRUMP-SUIT". The "BID-SUIT" of the last bid made during the "AUCTION" becomes the "TRUMP-SUIT".

"CONTRACT TRICK(S)": These are those "TRICKS" taken by the "DECLARER" in excess of "BOOK" that count in fulfilling the "CONTRACT-LEVEL". For a successful completion of the "FINAL CONTRACT", "CONTRACT-TRICKS" must always equal the "CONTRACT-LEVEL". Any "TRICKS" taken in excess of the "CONTRACT-LEVEL" are counted as "OVER-TRICKS". Any "TRICKS" taken less than "CONTRACT-LEVEL" are "UNDER-TRICKS".

For a successful contract, "CONTRACT-TRICKS", plus "BOOK", plus any "OVER-TRICKS" taken, must equal the total number of tricks "DECLARER" took in the "PLAY OF TRICKS".

If "DECLARER" fails to make his "FINAL CONTRACT", then "CONTRACT-TRICKS" & "OVER-TRICKS" do not apply. Instead, "UNDER-TRICKS" are awarded to the opponents.


"CONTROL" ~ "FEATURE" = "STOPPER". An ace or a "protected" king. "Protected" means it wont fail if the ace of that suit is led. For the purpose of bidding a No-trump contract, It becomes a "feature" or "stopper" if it is backed up by 2+ other cards in the same suit.

"CONTROL CUE BID". The bid of a new suit at a high level after a suit agreement has been reached and for the purpose of showing suit control in pursuit of a possible "SLAM".

"CONTOLLING PARTNER" = "CAPTAIN". The partner who knows the partnership's combined strength of "BID-POINTS".

"COOPERATIVE DOUBLE". A "DOUBLE" of a bid made at or above the 3 level. It is normally optional for the partner to bid or "pass". A "pass" males it a "PENALTY DOUBLE" The weaker the partner's hand, the more he should bid.

"CUE BID". A "FORCING" bid in opponent's bid suit describing a stronger than normal hand with nothing in opponent's suit. Examples of cue-bids include "MICHAELS" & "WESTERN CUE". In competition it can be used to show a "LIMIT RAISE" in partner's suit, albeit I discourage this use in favor of it being "WESTERN CUE"

"DEAL" = "BOARD" ~ "HAND". This is the even distribution of a deck of 52 standard playing cards (without jokers) to 4 players. Each player gets 13 cards with no jokers. This means there are 13 tricks to be played.

In playing "DUPLICATE-BRIDGE", multiple card decks are required. Each card deck is pre-dealt and & each & placed in a pocket of a dispenser called a "BOARD". The BOARDS are then distributed according to the "SCHEDULE OF PLAY". The cards are never shuffled and dealt again throughout the "TOURNAMENT".

In playing "PARTY-BRIDGE", the cards are not pre-dealt. Just one card deck may be shuffled and re dealt over and over again throughout the game.

"DEALER". The player designated as the one who dealt, or who is to deal out, the cards of a single deck. In "PARTY-BRIDGE", the deal passes from one player to the next in clockwise rotation immediately before playing each Hand. In "DUPLICATE-BRIDGE", the hands are pre-dealt, placed into receptacles called "Boards", and who is the dealer is already specified on the board. No matter, the pattern in either case is for the dealer role to pass clockwise from one deal to the next.

"DECLARER". Of the partnership that won the "FINAL CONTRACT", the partner who first specified the "TRUMP SUIT" in the bidding. Declarer must play both his hand & his partner's hand during the play of tricks. His partner becomes the "DUMMY" during the play of tricks.

"DEFENDERS". The partnership that did not open or who did not win the "FINAL CONTRACT".

"DELAYED-LIMIT-RAISE". A bid that first makes a "TEMPORIZING BID" & then bids opener's suit at the 3-level promising 3-card support with 10-12 points.


"DIRECTOR". The "DIRECTOR" is responsible for setting up the environment, overseeing the match-ups & play of the "TOURNAMENT", adjudicating erors in play, & determining the ultimate winners at the end ofthe "TOURNAMENT".

"DIRECTOR CALL". A player calling the "DIRECTOR" to adjudicate/resolve errors or issues.

"DISCARD" = "SLUFF". The discard from another suit when a player cannot "FOLLOW SUIT".

"DISPARATE INVERTED SUIT LENGTHS". This is a "COMPANION-SUITED" hand where the lower ranking suit is 7+ cards long & the higher ranking suit is only 4-cards long. It is a particularly troubling hand for responder.


"DISTRIBUTION". How the suits are distributed among the 4 players or between partners or in one player's hand


"DOMINANT-SUIT-HOLDER". The player who has the greatest number of cards in a suit. He has the "DOMINANT-SUIT-LENGTH". It is possible that there is no "DOMINANT-SUIT-HOLDER", given that "DOMINATE-SUIT-LENGTH could = "TALLER-SUIT-LENGTH" could = "SUPPORTIVE-SUIT-LENGTH".


"DOMINANT-SUIT-LENGTH". The length of the player's suit who has the greatest number of cards in that suit compared to the other players.


"DOUBLE". A call made by the opponent of the last bidder with the intention of defeating the contract. The bidder says "I can make it". The Doubler says "No way". It should be noted that the "DOUBLE" at low levels is used to convey information to the "DOUBLER'S" partner with no intention of leaving the double in. When used in this manner, it is "FORCING" upon partner to bid should opponent "pass". It should be noted that there are different meanings to the "double" depending upon who says it and at what point in the bidding it occurs.

"DOUBLETON". A player's initial holding of only 2 cards in the suit.


"DROP PROTECTED HI CARD". This pertains to a high card that has enough lower cards to keep it from falling on higher cards in that suit.

"DUPLICATE-BRIDGE" = "DUPLICATE". The style of bridge that employs "BOARDS" to retain pre-dealt hands.



"DUMMY". During the "PLAY OF TRICKS", This is the hand of declarer's partner which becomes exposed for all to see & declarer to play.

"ENTREES" = "TRANSPORTATION". This refers to a partnership's ability to put the opposite partner in the "LEAD".

"EAST-WEST" = "EW". This is the designation for one of the partnership pairs sitting at a table.

"FINESSE" = "SHORT CARD". A play from third hand of a semi-high card in hopes the fourth hand will not beat it .

"FIT". This pertains to a partnership"s combined holding of at least 7 cards in a suit. If a partnership winds up in a trump suit contract, they want to be sure they have more cards in the trump suit than the opponents. Since there are 13 cards in a suit, having at least 7-cards in the trump suit guarantees having more trump. There are different types of fits corresponding to the types of support: When it comes to a FIT with partner, 5-4 is the best, 4-4 is next best, no-trump is next & finally the 5-3 fit, albeit the 5-3 fit is more of a semi-fit. The better the fit with your partner, the fewer points you need to make a good contract.

There are different types of fits corresponding to the types of support:

MARGINAL-FIT. Partnership has a combined holding of 7 cards in the same suit. Example: 4-3, 5-2, 6-1

ADEQUATE-FIT. Partnership has an unequal holding of 8 cards in the same suit. Example: 5-3, 6-2

EQUAL-FIT: Eack partner has an equal number of cards in the same suit. Example: 4-4, 5-5

SUPER-FIT. Partnership has a combined holding of 9+ cards in the same suit. Example: 5-4+

"FIXED-MATCH-ROUND(S)". This is a type of "ROUND" where the North-South partners play the same East-West opponents repeatedly without change other than playing different successive deals. The number of successive deals may be predetermined as a fixed number & is called a "MATCH".

(See "ROUND")

"FOLLOW SUIT". This is the requirement that, during the "PLAY OF TRICKS", all players to a trick must play a card of the same suit as the first if able.

"FORCING BID". A bid that demands that the partner make a bid in the absence of the opposition making an intervening bid. (ie, partner must not pass).

"GAME" = "GAME-SCORE". In bridge, the word, "GAME", has a more specific meaning than just referring to the game of bridge. In general, it refers a "CONTRACT-SCORE" of 100 points or more.

However, in "RUBBER-SCORING" it can be the accumulation of successive "PARTIAL-SCORES" resulting in 100 points or more. Such accumulation of points is called "POINTS TOWARD GAME".

But in "DUPLICATE-SCORING", a partnership can only receive credit for game in just one "CONTRACT SESSION" via a single "GAME CONTRACT".


"GAME-IN-HAND". This refers to a player's hand that has 25+ "BID-POINTS".


"GAME-CONTRACT" = GAME-LEVEL-CONTRACT. A "GAME-CONTRACT" is completed in just one "CONTRACT-SESSION". It is a contract of 3NT, 4 of a "MAJOR" or 5 of "MINOR", wherein 9 to 11 tricks must be taken.
If the contract is made, the "DECLARING-PARTNERSHIP" gets its "CONTRACT-SCORE", plus its "OVER-TRICK-BONUS", plus its "GAME-BONUS" of 300 or 500 points, depending upon "VULNERABILITY", plus any "INSULT-BONUS".


"HAND". This is the distribution of 13 cards to one player in a session. It is singular & does not apply to the collection of all hands dealt in a session.

A hand can be described in terms of its bidding point count:
"SUPER WEAK" = "BUST" = Less than 4 "BID-POINTS".
"WEAK" = 4-6 "BID-POINTS".
"STRONG" = 16-18 "BID-POINTS".

It can also be described in terms of it "SHAPE".

"HONOR". This is one of the top 4 cards in a suit, ie, Ace King Queen Jack. For the purposes of bidding, a "BID-POINT" value is assigned to every honor card in the deck. A=4, K=3, Q=2, J=1 Each player will compute their total points to determine hand value.

"HOST". The "DIRECTOR". The person overseeing the game.

"HOWELL MOVEMENT" . A end of round movement/rotation of all player pairs, both east-west and north-south pairs, that allows every pair to play evry pair.

"IMPS". This is short for "INTERNATIONAL MATCH POINTS" which are used to score a round in a "TEAM-TOURNAMENT".

"INFORMATIONAL DOUBLE". This is a "DOUBLE" that is not intended for "PENALTIES". It is intended to convey information to partner.

"INSIDE SEQUENCE". A "SUIT SEQUENCE" whose top card is not the highest in the suit. There is a higher honor card, but not touching.

"INSULT". This is a "FINAL-CONTRACT" that has been "DOUBLED" or "REDOUBLED"

"INSULT-BONUS-RATE(S)". If the successful "DECLARERS" were "DOUBLED", they get credit for taking 2 times the number of "CONTRACT-TRICKS", plus a 50 point bonus for the "INSULT". If they made "OVER-TRICKS", they get an additional bonus of 50 points per over-trick, not vulnerable, or 100 points per over-trick vulnerable.
If the "REDOUBLED", they get credit for taking 4 times the number of "CONTRACT-TRICKS". plus a 100 point bonus for the "INSULT". If they made "OVER-TRICKS", they get an additional bonus of 100 points per over-trick, not vulnerable, or 200 points per over-trick vulnerable.

"INVERTED" = "REVERSED". "INVERTED" means a there is something about a player's hand is contrary to the standard, normal or desired sequence.

When applied to a player's hand relative suit lengths, it means a lower ranking suit has more cards than a higher ranking suit. Such a holding can lead to "REVERSE" bidding, where the longer suit is bid first, followed by a bid in the shorter suit, commonly referred to as a "REVERSE BID". No matter, an INVERTED HOLDING leads to REVERSE BIDDING.

When applied to a "RAISE" bid, it refers to a reversal in point count. where a smaller point count is usually indicated by a cheapest bid-level, this is not the case when playing "INVERTED RAISES". Examples: INVERTED MINOR RAISES, INVERTED BERGEN RAISES.

"INVERTED" & "REVERSED" can be used interchangeably.

"INVITATIONAL HAND". This refers to a hand that has 10-12 "BID-POINTS".

"INVITATIONAL BID". This is a limit bid which "creeps up" to a "GAME" or "SLAM" contract. It is in the suit (or no suit) desired, but at a level (usually one less) than the level desired. The intention of an invitational bid is that the bidder does not know whether his partner is in the lower or upper "BID-POINT" range that he has previously indicated. Therefore, the invitation is for the partner to go to the next level (or higher) if he is in fact in his upper range.

"JUMP BID". This is a bid that skips over the same bid available at a lower bid-level. A skip beyond the next available level of bidding.

"JUMP RAISE". The rebid of a suit at a level beyond the next sequential level.

"JUMP SHIFT". The bidding of a new suit at a level beyond the next sequential level.

"KNOCK-OUTS". This is an elimination form of a "TEAM-TOURNAMENT". Once you lose, you are out. A specific type of DUPLICATE-BRIDGE where two pairs form a team to compete against other teams, but once the team loses a session it is knocked out of playing any further.

"LEAD" = "ON LEAD". This refers to the first player to play a card to a "TRICK".

"LIGHT HAND". This refers to a player's hand that has 7-9 "BID-POINTS".

"LIMITED BID". A bid made which limits the maker's hand to having no more than a certain number of "BID-POINTS". Usually, the first between two partners who makes a limit bid becomes the passive partner & the other partner becomes the controlling (or determinant) partner. The reason for this is that the controlling partner has first knowledge of the meshed (combined) values.

Example: 1S -> "Pass" -> 1NT is a responder's "LIMITED BID" showing 6-9 "BID-POINTS".

"LIMIT-RAISE". This is an immediate jump bid in opener's suit promising 4+ card support & 10-12 "BID-POINTS". Is invitational to game. The responder's immediate raise of opener's suit that limits his hand to a specific point range within 3 points. Limited raises may be simple raises or jump raises.

"LONG SUIT" = "SELF SUFFICIENT SUIT". A player's holding of 7+ CARDS IN SUIT.

"LONG TRICK". This is a trick won by virtue of the length in the suit, after all other players hands are depleted in that suit.

"MAJOR-SUIT". The major suits are hearts and spades, because they are ranked higher than the minor suits.


"MASTER POINTS". Points that are awarded by the ACBL to a duplicate playing pair based upon their winning or placing in a "TOURNAMENT" event. The point requirements for becoming a life-master are: 25 gold, 25 red, 50 silver, and 150 black points. Black point are usually acquired at a single club in a non-sectional event. Silver points are acquired by winning in a sectional event that include multiple clubs. Red and Gold points are usually acquired a regional or national events which included multiple sections.

"MATCH". The designated competition between a NORTH-SOUTH pair and EAST-WEST pair at a specific table.


"MATCH POINT(S)". At the end of a "DUPLICATE-TOURNAMENT" the "DIRECTOR" will assign numerical value to placement (win,place,show,..last) to each NORTH-SOUTH partnership on each "TRAVELER" score sheet. The winning place of the score sheet gets the most match points & the last place gets 0 match points. The match points from every "TRAVELER" for each partnership are then added up to determine the "TOURNAMENT" WINNER(S)".

"MINOR-SUIT". The minor suits are clubs and diamonds, because they are ranked below the major suits.


"MISFIT". This is usually where each partner has a 2-suited hand, but there is no support for each other's suits to produce an "ADEQUATE FIT".

(See "FIT")

"MITCHELL". This is the type of movement in which NORTH-SOUTH partnerships stay at the same table throughout the "TOURNAMENT", while EAST-WEST players move at the end of eadch "ROUND". The total number of rounds is usually the number of tables, thus allowing all EAST-WEST partners to play all NORTH-SOUTH partners. However, with an even number of tables, will be less if there is a "SKIP-ROUND". An end of round movement/rotation of east-west duplicate player pairs with the north-south pairs in fixed positions throughout the event.

"MITCHELL RELAY". This is a way to avoid a mid-"TOURNAMENT" collision of EAST-WEST players with "BOARDS" they played on the first roun when there are an even nummber of tables using the "MITCHELL MOVEMENT".

"MOVEMENT" = "PLAYER ROTATION". This is how the players and boards move at the end of each "ROUND". There are three types of movement, "HOWELL", "MITCHELL" & "TEAM". "HOWELL" & "MITCHELL" are the most common. "TEAM" movement is not predetermined by a "SCHEDULE OF PLAY" & requires the intense skill and knowledge of the "DIRECTOR"

"MUTT%JEFF HAND" = "COMPANION SUITED HAND". Player's hand suit distribution is a 5+,4,2-,2- card holding.
Will always have a 4-card suit with another longer suit. Should not be considered to be a "2-SUITED HAND".

"NAKED LOOSER". A card that "for sure" wont win any tricks.

"NATURAL BID". A bid of a suit actually hed by the bidder.

"NEGATIVE DOUBLE" = "RESPONDER DOUBLE". This is an "INFORMATIONAL DOUBLE" by "RESPONDER", usually conveying 6+ point hand with 4-cards in the highest unbid suit. Is a "RESPONDER'S DOUBLE" immediately after opener's 1 st bid & where there has been an intervening bid by the contender. It is intended to show a holding of 4 cards in the unbid highest ranking suits.

"NOMINAL SUIT LENGTH". A player's holding of 5-6 cards in a suit.

"NORTH-SOUTH" = "NS". This is the designation for one of the partnership pairs sitting at a table.

"NO-TRUMP". No-Trump is a suit specification made during the bidding meaning there is no preferred suit to be trump. It is ranked higher than any suit during the bidding and valued higher than any suit in the scoring.

"NO-TRUMP CONTRACT". A "CONTRACT" that specifies "NO-TRUMP SUIT" at all.

"OPENER". This is the 1st player to bid. His partner automatically becomes the "RESPONDER". The opponents automatically become "CONTENDERS" or "Defensive" bidders.

"OPENING HAND". This refers to a player's hand that has 13+ "BID-POINTS". It means the player could open the bidding.

"OVER-TRICKS". Those "TRICKS" taken by the "DECLARER" that are in excess of the "CONTRACT-LEVEL".


"OVER-TRICK-BONUS-RATE". If the successful "DECLARERS" take more tricks than their "CONTRACT-LEVEL, they get a bonus for the number of "OVER-TRICKS" at the same rate as their "SUIT-TRICK-RATE". If there was an "INSULT", the OVER-TRICKS are scored per the "INSULT-BONUS-RATE"


"PAIR NUMBER". This is a unique number assigned to a partnership pair for the purpose of identifying them in a multi-table environment.

"PARTIAL-CONTRACT". A "PARTIAL" contract is a contract less than a "GAME-CONTRACT", wherein 7 to 9- total tricks must be taken.

"PARTIAL-CONTRACT-SCORE". This is the "CONTRACT-SCORE" resulting from a "PARTIAL-CONTRACT". It is less than 100 points. However, if the "FINAL-CONTRACT" was "DOUBLED" or "REDOUBLED", it can result in it becoming a "GAME-SCORE".

"PARTNERSHIP PAIR". Players sitting opposite each other form a partnership pair, designated as North/South or East/West. The North/South pair is always out to beat the East/West pair and visa versa. Before any playing is done, a partnership pair will have agreed upon some standards for communicating during the auctions and the play of the hands. These agreements take the form of bidding systems/ conventions and card signals, many of which are described later on.

"PARTY-BRIDGE" = "CHICAGO-BRIDGE" ~ "RUBBER-BRIDGE". The style of bridge that does not employ pre-dealt hands. It stands in contrast to "DUPLICATE-BRIDGE". There are two forms: "CHICAGO-BRIDGE" & "RUBBER-BRIDGE".



"PASS". This is not a bid. It is a No-Bid.

"PENALTY DOUBLE". A double made after the 1 st round of bidding & intended to be left in. It is contrasted to an "INFORMATIONAL DOUBLE".

"PLAY OF TRICKS STAGE". This is that part of a "CONTRACT SESSION" where the four players at a table actually play their cards to a trick.

"PLAYER POSITIONS" = "SEATING POSITIONS". Throughout a "ROUND", a player will remain at a table in a fixed position identified as "NORTH", "EAST", "SOUTH", or "WEST". This is his "ROUND POSITION". But even though he remains in a fixed position at the table, he can be identified as being in different positions depending upon the stage within a "SESSION". During the "BIDDING STAGE", he will be identified by his "BIDDING POSITION". During the "PLAY OF TRICKS STAGE", he will be identified by his "TRICK POSITION".


"PLAYER ROUND POSITION". Throughout a "ROUND", a player will remain at a table in a fixed position identified as "NORTH", "EAST", "SOUTH", or "WEST"

"PLAYER BID POSITION". "BID POSITIONS" aka "SEATS", are numbered 1-4 & apply only during the auction. They are relative to the "DEALER", with dealer being in seat #1, the player to his left is seat #2, dealer's partner is seat #3, and finally the player to dealer's right is seat #4. These are not the same as a player's "ROUND POSITION", ie, "NORTH", "EAST", "SOUTH" or "WEST", which remains his identity throughout the "ROUND". Nor are they the same as a player's "TRICK POSITION" which change from trick to trick.


"PLAYER TRICK POSITION". A player's "TRICK POSITION" changes from trick to trick, depending upon who is "on lead".

"POINTS TOWARD GAME". These are the points awarded to a partnership when they have bid and made a contract. At the end of each "CONTRACT-SESSION", "POINTS TOWARD GAME" are computed to be the "BID-LEVEL" times the "SUIT-TRICK-VALUE". Once the accumulation of these points reaches 100, the partnership is said to have completed a "GAME CONTRACT", at which time they receive extra "BONUS POINTS". If the partnership took more tricks that required by their contract's bid-level, these extra tricks ("OVER-TRICKS) are awarded as "BONUS POINTS" which do not count as "POINTS TOWARD GAME".


"POSITIVE ATTITUDE". This is a "DEFENDER" signalling system in the "PLAY OF TRICKS". It is contrasted against "UP-SIDE-DOWN".

"PREEMPTIVE BID". This is an immediate jump bid where the bidder has a long suit, but very few points. It is intended to disrupt the opponents' bidding. A bid made to take up bidding room, thereby interfering with the opponents bidding.

"QUICK-TRICK" (abbrev-QT). This is a player holding of one ACE or KQ in a suit. It is almost guaranteed to take 1 trick on the 1 st (or 2nd) round of play in that suit. A King by itself is 1/2 a quick trick.

"RAISE". This is a bid of partner's suit which may be immediate or delayed.
Types of raises include "SIMPLE", "JUMP", "LIMIT", "INVITATIONAL", "GAME-LEVEL", "SPLINTER".

"DUPLICATE-RAW-SCORE". This is the total "CONTRACT-SESSION-SCORE" awarded to the winning partnership of the "CONTRACT-SESSION".

If the "DECLARER" failed to make his "CONTRACT", then the "DECLARERS" gets 0 the "DEFENDING" opponents get a plus "DUPLICATE-RAW-SCORE" per the "UNDER-TRICK-BONUS-RATE" .

"REBID". This is a player's 2nd bid after in the second round of bidding. It may (or may not) be a "REPEAT BID" of his previous suit.

"REDOUBLE". This is "CALL" made in countering an opponent's "DOUBLE" & can take on meaning similar to the "NEGATIVE DOUBLE", or showing dislike for partner's suit.

"RELAY BID". A bid that forces partner to bid the next suit (or no-suit) up.


"RESPONDER". This is the partner of the "OPENER".


"REVERSAL OF DUMMY". This occurs when the "DUMMY" is the "TALLER PARTNER" & has more "TRUMP" than 'DECLARER". Typically, it is the "TALLER PARTNER" that is used for pulling "TRUMP", where the "SUPPORTING PARTNER" is the "RUFFING HAND".

"REVERSE(D)". This pertains to player bidding or playing opposite of normal. "INVERTED" & "REVERSED" can be used interchangeably.

"REVERSE BID". This is a 2nd round bid made above the 1 level in a suit that is of "higher rank than the bidder's 1st bid suit. Some systems say that because partner must go to the next level if he favors the I st suit, then the reverse bidder should have a stronger than normal hand. But it is the author's view that as long as the reverse does not bypass a no-trump bid, this is not necessarily so.

"ROUND". This is the play of a successive number of "CONTRACT-SESSIONS" against the same opponents in the same positions. There are two types of rounds: the predetermined "FIXED-MATCH-ROUND" & the indeterminate "RUBBER-ROUND". After a round, players will change tables and/or player positions.

"RUBBER-BRIDGE"= "SINGLE-TABLE-PARTY-BRIDGE". This is a style of bridge played as "SINGLE-TABLE-PARTY-BRIDGE" which negates the need for "BOARDS". It stands in contrast to "CHICAGO-BRIDGE", ie, a "PARTY-BRIDGE-TOURNAMENT". It is played as "RUBBER-ROUNDS" and requires "RUBBER-SCORING". Because the "RUBBER-ROUND" is indeterminate, it is played as a single table game.


"RUBBER-ROUND". This is an indeterminate number of "CONTRACT-SESSIONS" based upon the completion of the best two out of three game scores by opposing partnerships, at which point the "ROUND" is over.

"RUBBER-SCORING". The score sheet is divided by a vertical line to separate the accumulated scores of the two competing partnerships. The score sheet is also divided by a horizontal line to separate partnership "POINTS TOWARD GAME" below the line from extra "BONUS POINTS" above the line. "POINTS TOWARD GAME" are allowed to accumulate from one "CONTRACT-SESSION" to the next.


"RUFF & A SLUFF". This occurs when a suit is led in which the 2nd & 4th hands are void & both 2nd & 4th hands have trump. It usually results in the loss of a trick to the side who made the lead, because the beneficiary (ie,2nd & 4th hands) can trump in one hand & sluff (discard) a looser from another suit.

"RUFFING-SUIT-HAND". During the "PLAY OF TRICKS", when a "TRUMP-SUIT" has been named, this is the partner who has the lesser number of "TRUMP". The other partner has the "TALLER-SUIT-HAND" to be used for "PULLING TRUMP".



"SACRIFICE BID". This is a bid made usually at or beyond game level that is not expected to make, but even though it does not make, it is a more economical way of giving the opponents a lesser score than if the opponents were to have the contract. Usually the "good" sacrifice contract goes down no more than 1 trick with unfavorable vulnerability, 2 tricks with equal vulnerability, & 3 tricks if favorable vulnerability. It is expected that the opponents will double, and where they will get the equivalent points attributed to the game or slam bonus points, they will not get the trick points they would otherwise get if they were in a game or slam contract.

"SAFETY PLAY". This is the deiberate early loss of a trick in a suit for the purpose of assuring "SUIT ESTABLISHMENT".

"SCHEDULE OF PLAY". This the predetermined arrangement/organization of which partnership is to sit at which table in which position, during which round, to play which "DEALS".

In RUBBER-BRIDGE there are no pre-dealt hands to deploy. But in a MULTI-TABLE environment, the SCHEDULE OF PLAY is still required. It is not required in the SINGLE TABLE RUBBER-BRIDGE environment.

In DUPLICATE-BRIDGE the pre-dealt hands are deployed in sequentially grouped "BOARDS" at the appropriate time such that neither partnership pair sitting at the table has previously played those "DEALS" contained in those boards.

"SCORING STAGE". This is that part of a "SESSION" where the "DUPLICATE-RAW-SCORE" from the "PLAY OF TRICKS" is determined.

"SELF SUSTAINING SUIT". A single hand suit length which fully & completely owns that suit by itself without help from the partner. Usually a 7+ card suit contains most of the honors.

"SEMI-BALANCED HAND". Player's suit distribution is exactly 5,3,3,2.

"SEQUENCE". The sequential order of cards within a suit, or the order of bids, or the order of play. With respect to the order of cards, a sequence usually applies to high cards & may be continuous or broken. A continuous sequence is referred to as "touching" & is important if a "WINNER" s promoted. With respect to a player's bidding sequence, if he bids a higher ranking suit after bidding a lower ranking suit , he is said to have "REVERSED". With respect to a player's order of play, if he first plays a high card followed by a lower card, he is said to have "HI-LOWED".

"SESSION" = "CONTRACT SESSION" = "CONTEST-SESSION" = "CONTESTITO" This is the bidding, play of tricks & scoring of just one "DEAL".

"SHAPE". This refers to the distribution of suits within an individual's "HAND".

"SHIFT". This usually pertains to a change in suit. The bidding of a new suit not previously mentioned by the partnership. The change to a new suit when leading.

"SHORT-SUIT". A suit containing a "DOUBLETON" or "TRIPLETON".


"SIDE SUIT". A non-trump suit in which there is dominant length.

"SIMPLE BID". This is a bid in the cheapest available level of bidding. No jump.

"SIMPLE-RAISE". This is a bid of partner's suit at the next level up, promising 3+ card support & 7-9 points.



"SINGLE-TABLE-PARTY-BRIDGE" = "RUBBER-BRIDGE" = "PRACTICE BRIDGE". A one-table "PARTY-BRIDGE" game that typically employs "RUBBER-ROUND(S)". However, for practice purposes, it can be played with "FIXED-MATCH-ROUNDS" as used in a "TOURNAMENT".


"SINGLETON". A player's initial holding of only 1 card in the suit.


"SIT-OUT". This occurs when there are not enough partnerships to make a full number of tables. The table having only one partnership is the "SITOUT TABLE". The empty/missing partnership becomes the "PHANTOM PAIR" which can remain fixed at a table or travel to each table. "RAW SCORES" against the "PHANTOM PAIR" are averaged.

"SKIP ROUND". This can occur if the "DIRECTOR" so chooses in setting up an even number of tables. The purpose is to avoid a mid-"TOURNAMENT" collision of EAST-WEST players with boards they played on first round. If the "DIRECTOR" chooses a "MITCHELL RELAY MOVEMENT", then there is no "SKIP ROUND"


"SLAM-CONTRACT". This is a contract at the 6+ level, ie, the "CONTRACT-LEVEL" is 6 or 7, wherein 12-13 tricks must be taken.
If the contract is made, the "DECLARING-PARTNERSHIP" gets its "CONTRACT-SCORE", plus its "OVER-TRICK-BONUS", plus its "GAME-BONUS" of 300 or 500 points, plus a a "SLAM-BONUS" of 500 or 750 or 1000 or 1500 points, depending upon "VULNERABILITY" & "CONTRACT-LEVEL", plus any "INSULT-BONUS".

"SLUFF" = "DISCARD". The discard from another suit when a player cannot "FOLLOW SUIT".

"SOS REDOUBLE". A redouble is normally construed to say to the opposition, "We bet we can make it". However, the redouble gives the opposition a chance to change their mind & pull the bid. Therefore, the redouble in this context is not a good bid, because if you really think you can make it, then why give the opposition the information & the chance to change? Therefore, a better use of the redouble is an SOS to your partner that says, "Partner, I don't have support for what you just bid. Try something else". With this information, partner can leave it in if he does care about your support or change his bid to another suit where you may have better support.

"SPOILER" = "ADVANCER" = "RESPONDENT". The partner of the "CONTENDER".

"SQUEEZE". This occurs when a player is forced to discard his protection of potentially winning cards in a suit, exposing them to be captured by the opponent's higher cards in that suit.

"STAGE/PHASE". The play of one board or hand is broken up into six actionable stages: The Deal, The Hand Bidding Evaluation Phase, The Bidding Phase (or Auction), The Pre-Play Strategy, The Play Of The Hand, and finally The Scoring Phase. These stages are described in greater detail in later sections.

"STRONG HAND". This refers to a player's hand that has 16-18 "BID-POINTS".

"STUBBY-SUIT". A suit containing a "SINGLETON" or "VOID" = 0 OR 1 CARDS IN SUIT.

"SUIT". There are 4 suits in the deck: Spades and Hearts (designated the MAJOR SUITS) and Diamonds and Clubs (called the MINORS). Each suit has 13 cards starting with the 2 (deuce) up to the ace.

"SUIT ESTABLISHMENT". This refers to a player being able to run the suit after getting rid of all the opponents' winning cards in that suit.

"SUIT-LENGTH(S)". This refers to the number of cards in a suit in a given player's hand. There are five types: "DOMINANT", "TALL", "SUPPORTIVE", "SHORT" &. The first three may all be eual in length. But more often than not, they are not equal.


"SUIT-RANK". This is the value assigned to the 4 suits of a deck. From low to high, the relative values of the suits are: CLUBS (C), DIAMONDS(D), HEARTS(H), & SPADES(S), followed by NO-TRUMP (NT).

Furthermore, by way of definition, the spades & hearts suits are said to be the "MAJOR SUITS", while the diamonds & clubs are are called the "MINOR SUITS".

"SUIT-SEQUENCE". Within a suit, this is a sequence of touching high cards.
Example: KQJ

"SUIT-SPLIT". This pertains to the distribution of cards in one suit. Between partners it is described as #1-#2 where #1 is one partners holding in the suit & #2 is his partner's holding. EXAMPLE: 5-3S says one partner has 5 spades and the other partner has 3 spades.

"SUIT-TRICK-VALUE" The point value for a "CONTRACT-TRICK" is:
20 points/trick for a "MINOR SUIT CONTRACT".
30 points/trick for a "MAJOR SUIT CONTRACT"
30 points/trick for a "NO-TRUMP CONTRACT", plus 10 extra points.

"SUPER-STRONG HAND". This refers to a player's hand that has 19-24 "BID-POINTS".

"SUPER-WEAK HAND" = "BUST" This refers to a player's hand that has less than 4 "BID-POINTS".

"SUPPORT" = "SUPPORTIVE-SUIT-LENGTH". Usually the "TALLER PARTNER" in a suit will name that suit in the bidding. The "SUPPORTIVE PARTNER" will usually have fewer, if any, cards in that suit. The quality of his support depends upon their bidding agreement(s) & coincides with the quality of their "FIT"

(See "FIT")

"SUPPORT DOUBLE" = "OPENER DOUBLE". This is an opener's "DOUBLE" indicating an "ADEQUATE FIT" for responder's bid suit.


"SUPPORTIVE-SUIT-HAND" = "RUFFING-SUIT-HAND". This is the partner who has the lesser number of cards in a suit. The other partner has the "TALLER-SUIT-HAND". When the two partners' suit lengths are equal, the "TALLER-PARTNER" will be the one who has the higher cards in the suit.


"SUPPORTIVE-SUIT-LENGTH". The length of the suit in the "SUPPORTIVE-SUIT-HAND".


"SWISS-TEAMS". This the non-elimination form of a 'TEAM-TOURNAMENT". A specific type of a "DUPLICATE-BRIDGE-TOURNAMENT" where two partnership pairs form a team to compete against other teams in a continuous fashion.

"TABLE". Seats 4 players in a square. NORTH-SOUTH partneships sit opposite each other, as do EAST-WEST partnrships.

"TABLE MARKER". A sign used to number & identify individual tables & the NORTH-SOUTH & EAST-WEST player positions in a "TOURNAMENT".

"TAKEOUT DOUBLE" = "CONTENDER DOUBLE". This is a contender's call, usually conveying a hand containing at least 13 points and an unbid 4-card major or a 2-suited hand in the highest ranking unbid suits, or a 16+ point hand regardless of shape. On the 1st round of bidding, a contender double of a bid made below the 3 level is a forcing bid (ie, for takeout) upon the spoiler should his RHO "pass". If spoiler bids the contender's desired suit, then that suit can be the contract suit. But if spoiler bids without jumping a suit different from the desired suit(s), contender will only bid again his lowest ranking suit if he is 2-suited or has 16 points.

"TALLER-PARTNER". The partner having a "TALLER-SUIT-HAND".

"TALLER-SUIT-HAND". This is the partner who has the greater number of cards in a suit. He may or may not be the "DOMINANT-SUIT-HAND". The other partner has the "SUPPORTIVE-SUIT-HAND" or "RUFFING-SUIT-HAND". When the two partners' suit lengths are equal, the "TALLER-PARTNER" will be the one who has the higher cards in the suit.


"TALLER-SUIT-LENGTH". The length of the suit in the "TALLER-SUIT-HAND". It may or may not be the "DOMINANT-SUIT-LENGTH".


"TEAM(S)". Two partnerships pair up to play as a "TEAM" against other "TEAMS".

"TEAM-TOURNAMENT". This is the most fancy form of a "DUPLICATE-TOURNAMENT". It requires extreme expert "DIRECTOR" attention. The "MOVEMENT" is highly orchestrated based upon winners of each round. The scoring involves "IMPS" and is beyond the purpose here.

"TEMPORIZING BID". This type of bid is usually made by responder on his first call. The idea of a "temporizing bid" entails making a low-level bid that does not necessarily reflect a significant holding in that suit, but is for the purpose of allowing opener to give a 2nd bid at a lower level. It is a delaying bid. Past methods of temporizing include: 1S/1H, the 2/1 forcing 1NT, new suit forcing (1RF), DRURY, & the forcing cue-bid raise. Example: Not playing 2/1, partner has opened 1S. You have (3,4,3,3). You want to know if partner has 4 hearts. So you "temporize" by bidding 2C forcing even though you don't like clubs. Example: Playing BERGEN RAISES, partner opens 1S. You have (3,2,4,4) with 11 points & want to show an invitational hand with only 3-card support as opposed to 4+ card support. Your temporizing bid is the LEBENSOHL 2NT RELAY to 3C followed by bidding partner's suit at the 3-level.

"THRESHOLD BID". This is a call that passes up a possible lower level NT bid.

"TOP OF SEQUENCE". The top valued honor card in a suit sequence.

"TOURNAMENT" = "MULTIPLE-TABLE BRIDGE". A bridge event employing multiple tabels, each occupied by four players.

"TRANSFER BID". This is a bid in a suit that is directly under the bidder's real suit in which he promises at least 5 cards & which partner must bid.


"TRANSPORTATION" = "ENTREES". This refers to a partnership's ability to put the opposite partner in the "LEAD".

"TRAVELER". This is the duplicate score sheet that stays with the board at all times. The score sheet that "travels" with the boards as they are rotated. It identifies the partnership pair numbers who play the board against each other.

"TRICK". During the play of the deal, a trick is the clockwise sequential play of a single card by each player in rotation, where the highest valued card wins (takes) the other three cards, thereby winning the trick. Given there are always 4 players playing a deck of 52 cards, there are always a total of 13 tricks in a deck of 52 cards. 52 / 4 = 13.

"TRICK NUMBER". Since, at the beginning of play, there are always 13 cards in each of the four players€™ hands , then there are always 13 tricks to be taken and accounted for. The tricks are identified by number, 1 through 13.

"TRIPLETON". A player's initial holding of only 3 cards in the suit.


"TRUMP SUIT/TRUMP". This is the suit which is specified in the "FINAL CONTRACT It is the suit having special powers. During the "PLAY OF TRICKS", the trump suit may be used to win a trick by a player if that player is unable to "FOLLOW SUIT". If no suit is designated or declared as a trump suit, then final contract will specify "NO-TRUMP" which means that no suit can be used as "TRUMP" during the "PLAY OF TRICKS".

"TRUMPING vs RUFFING". Ruffing is the winning of a trick via a trump from the hand that has the 'RUFFING-SUIT-LENGTH" in trump. Trumping is the winning of a trick via a trump from the hand holding the prevailing number of trump.

"TWO-FOR-ONE". This usually occurs when the one of the defenders is out of trump & declarer still has trump in both of his hands. However, it can be effective for the declarer if he is in a bad trump contract & would have been better off in NT anyway.

"UNBLOCKING". The playing of high value cards & saving low valued cards in the "SUPPORTIVE-PARTNER'S" length to assure entry into the "TALLER-PARTNER'S" length.

"UNDER-TRICKS". These are the number of "TRICKS" by which the "DECLARER" fell short of making his "FINAL CONTRACT".

"UNDER-TRICK-BONUS-RATE". A plus penalty score is awarded to his opponents, & "DECLARER" gets 0.
The penalty score awarded to the opponents depends upon the "DECLARER'S VULNERSBILITY".
If "NOT DOUBLED, NOT VULNERABLE, the penalty score is 50 X the number of under-tricks.
If "NOT DOUBLED, VULNERABLE, the penalty score is 100 X the number of under-tricks.
If "DOUBLED, NOT VULNERABLE, the penalty score relative to the number of under-tricks is 100, 300, 500, 800, 1100.
If "DOUBLED, VULNERABLE, the penalty score relative to the number of under-tricks is 200, 500, 800, 1100.

"UP-SIDE-DOWN". This pertains to a defensive playing of cards, wherein a higher card is played before a lower card to show a dislike for the suit led. Is also known as "NEGATIVE ATTITUDE" in contrast to "POSITIVE ATTITUDE".

"UPPER SEQUENCE". A sequence whose top card is also the highest in the suit.

"UP-THE-LINE". A sequence of bidding at the one level when there are only 4-card suits (ie, no 5 -card suits) available. The lowest ranking suits are bid 1 st and progressively in order (ie, up-the-line). The intention is to find a 4-4 fit. This is the opening pair's initial biding at the 1-level trying to find a 4-4 major suit fit. In the absence of opponent bidding & assuming responder has 7+ points, if the opening is 1C or 1D, then responder must bid 1H having 4+ hearts and no more than 4 spades. But if responder has 5+ spades & 4+ hearts, responder must bid 1S & only bid 2H with 10+ points. Or if he also has 5+ hearts with less than 10 points he can bid 2H. If there was an intervening bid of 1D/1C, responder could safely "DOUBLE" with 5 spades and only 4 hearts, giving opener the chance to take his pick. If the opening is 1H & responder does not have 4+ card support, but has 4+ spades, then responder must bid 1S. In either case, if opener has 4 cards in responder's major suit, he must not bid up-the-line & raise opener's suit according to his points.

"VOID". A player's initial holding of NO cards in the suit.


"VULNERABLE" / "VULNERABILITY". This is a designation of a player's exposure to risk in the form greater than normal bonuses or penalties in the scoring of the playing results of a "SESSION" . A condition that is specified before the deal and which handicaps one or both partnerships, or neither at all. In comparison to not being vulnerable, the condition of a partnership being vulnerable offers even greater rewards in the scoring for making their final contract, but imposes stiffer penalties for not making it.

"WEAK HAND". This refers to a player's hand that has 4-6 "BID-POINTS".

"WEAK-2". This refers to am opening player's hand that has a 6+ card suit with 5-11 "BID-POINTS".

"WINNER". A card that takes a trick or controls a suit. The partnership that wins the "FINAL CONTRACT", the "SESSION", the "ROUND", or the entire "TOURNAMENT".

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a. SYMBOLS: "C" = Clubs.
"D" = Diamonds
"H" = Hearts
"S" = Spades
"NT" or "N" = No Trump
"M" = Major
"m" = Minor
"=" = "same" Example: =M means the same or supported major.
"~" or ":" = "not" EXAMPLE: :m means not the same minor.
">" = "greater than"
"->" = "next bid"
"<" = "less than"
"/" = "over" or "after"
"\" = "before"
"#" = any numerical value.
"@" = any word or letter.
"#@" = "some bid"
#"+" = "or more". Example: 10+ means 10 or more.
#"-" = "or less". Example: 7- means 7 or less.
#"-"# = a range. Example: 7-9 means 7 to 9.
@"-"@ = connector of words. Example: LIMIT-RAISE.
"A" = ACE, "K" = KING , "Q" = QUEEN, "J" = JACK, "T" = TEN, "AK" = ACE KING in same suit.

b. ACRONYMS: "PTS" = points
"QT" = Quick Trick
"VUL" = Vulnerable
"DLR" = Dealer
"RHO-O" = Opener Right Hand Opponent
"LHO-O" = Opener Left Hand Opponent
"RHO-C" = Contender Right Hand Opponent
"LHO-C" = Contender Left Hand Opponent
"RESP" = Responder
"RHO-R" = Responder Right Hand Opponent
"LHO-R" = Responder Left Hand Opponent
"DBL" = "X" = DOUBLE
"1RF" means "ONE ROUND FORCING" for 1 round.
"NF" means "NOT FORCING" (normally not specified)
"GF" means "GAME FORCING" which requires not passing until game is reached.

c. BIDDING SEQUENCE REPRESENTATION: A bid is shown as "#@" (a number & a letter).

An opener & responder descending sequence without interference is shown as #@ / #@ / #@ / #@ . wherein the "/" means a bid after without intervention.
Example: 2H/1S/1D/1C means the opening was 1C, responder bid 1D, opener rebid 1S, responder rebid 2H.

A double forward slash, "//", means there is an unidentified intervening bid.
Example: 1S//1C means responder overcalled a contender's lesser bid.

An opener & responder ascending sequence without interference is shown as #@ \ #@ \ #@ \ #@ . wherein the "\" means a bid after without intervention.
Example: 1C\1D\1S\2H means the opening was 1C, responder bid 1D, opener rebid 1S, responder rebid 2H.

A double reverse slash, "\\", means there is an unidentified intervening bid.
Example: 1C\\1S means responder overcalled a contender's lesser bid.

Another way of showing a bid sequence is 1C-> p-> 1D,
meaning 1D/pass/1C or 1D//1C or 1C\pass\1D or 1C\\1D.

d. HAND DISTRIBUTION is represented as (S,H,D,C). Hand suit distributions are represented as a minimum card count expressed by a "+" & a maximum card count expressed by a "-". 6+ means 6 or more. 3- means 3 or less. No specific suit holding is indicated unless the four numbers are surrounded by brackets, in which case the order of suit representation is spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs. Example: (5,4,3,1) means 5 spades, 4 hearts, 3 diamonds, & 1 club.

EXAMPLE: (3,5,4,1) means 3 spades, 5 hearts, 4 diamonds & 1 club.

If not enclosed in parentheses, then no order is indicated.

EXAMPLE: 4,4,3,2 means "balanced" regardless of specific suits.

e. BIDS will be capitalized. CONVENTION NAMES should be capitalized on 1st occurrence.

Back To Beginners

Back To Basics

Back To Bidding



----------------------------------------------------------------------- a. TYPES OF HAND POINT COUNT STRENGTH:
"SUPER WEAK" = 03 points.

"WEAK" = 4-6 points.

"LIGHT" = 7-9 points.

"INVITATIONAL" = 10-12 points.

"OPENING" = 13-15 points.

"STRONG" = 16-18 points.

"SUPER STRONG" = 19-24 points.

"GAME IN HAND" = 25+ points.


"Void". A suit having 0 cards immediately after the deal.

"Singleton". A suit having only 1 card immediately after the deal.

"Doubleton". A suit having 2 cards immediately after the deal.

"Tripleton". A suit having 3 cards immediately after the deal.

"Runable Suit/Establishable Suit". This is a suit held in just one hand where the single hand length exceeds the opponent's single hand length and thereby dominates the suit. During the play of the hand, after all of the other players are out of cards in that suit, the remaining cards in that suit may become natural winners (especially in the absence of a trump suit) which can produce extra long tricks. During the bidding, it is important to identify your potentially runable suit(s) if any exists.

"Self-Sustaining/Supporting Suit". A suit where a sufficient number of cards are held to make it runable without the help of partner's €™s hand. It is typically a suit containing 7 or more cards.

"Biddable Suit". Typically this is any suit that is agreed upon as being good for opening the bidding. Normally a biddable suit will be a 5-card suit or better, because it has potential long tricks. But it is commonly agreed that a minor suit can be opened with as few as two cards in the absence of a 5-card major suit.

"Rebidable Suit". Rebidable means the same player can bid the suit again, ie, rebid. Each rebid typically conveys an additional card to its initially implied length, thereby conveying the message that the suit is a candidate for having winnable long tricks.


"Shape" refers to the overall presentation of a given hand's relative suit lengths. It is represented as an unbracketed #1-#2-#3-#4 with no indication as to which suit has which length. There are only six basic hand shapes, described as follows:
"Balanced/Flat Hand". A hand containing 4-4-3-2 or 4-3-3-3 suit mix.
"Semi-Balanced". A hand containing 5 cards in one suit & 3-3-2 in the other suits.
  aka "Flat-Five".
"Three Suited". A hand containing 4-4-4-1 or 4-4-5-0 suit mix.

"Two Suited". A hand containing 5+ cards in one suit & 5+ cards in another suit.
  aka "Peer Suited". May also be described as "Radical Shape", meaning it has at least 2 singletons or 1 void. A peer suited hand can also be inverted if it has a 6+ card suit that is lower in rank than its 5+ card suit. Such a hand is an "Inverted Radical Peer".
"Companion Suited". A hand containing 5+ cards in one suit & exactly 4 cards in another. May also be described as "Inverted" when the higher ranking suit is the shorter 4-card suit. Such a hand is an "Inverted Companion".
"One Suited". A hand containing a single 6+ card suit with no other 4+ card suit.


"Support". Means the "SUPPORTIVE-PARTNER" has sufficient number of cards (usually at least 3 cards) in "DOMINANT PARTNER'S" bid suit such that, when added to the "TALLER-PARTNER'S" suit length, there are enough cards to guarantee 8 cards. presumed to ne enough to outlast the opponent's length in that suit to guarantee 8 cards.







1] "PASS"
2] "BID" Types. (For specific systems/conventions, see section 5.)

"Natural Bid". A bid made in a suit that means you like that suit.

"Artificial Bid". A bid that is not natural and does not represent any holding in the suit bid, but means something else. Cue bids made in opponents' suits are artificial.

"ARTIFICIAL BIDS". This is a bid that does not represent the normally understood meaning. Artificial bids are usually conventions adopted by the partnership & are generally forcing 1 round. Example: 2C in response to 1NT opening does not mean a club suit. It is the STAYMAN convention. Compare to "NATURAL BID".

The following are ARTIFICIAL BIDS & are generally forcing 1 round.

The 1C opening (alertable) may be as few as 1 card in the clubs suit.

The 2C opening (alertable) describes a hand containing 19-24 points.

"2C DRURY" (alertable) This is a 10-12 point limit-raise in response to a 3rd seat major suit opening.
"CUE BID" (Not alertable) This is a forcing low-level bid in opponent's bid suit describing a stronger than normal hand with nothing in opponent's suit. Examples of cue-bids include MICHAELS, responses to TAKE-OUT DOUBLES, 3-card LIMIT-RAISES, & WESTERN-CUE asking for a stopper in opponents suit.
"UNUSUAL 2NT BID" (Not alertable) This is a contender JUMP-OVERCALL describing a 2-suited hand containing 5-5 in the lowest unbid suits.
Do not confuse with responder's LEBENSOHL 2NT.

"STAYMAN" (Not alertable) This is a responder's bid of 2C/1NT opening or 3C/2NT opening that forces opener to bid a 4+ card major if he has it or deny by bidding diamonds.
"TRANSFER" This is a bid in a suit that is directly under the bidder's real suit in which he promises at least 5 cards. Compare to "LEBENSOHL" Relay.
"HAMILTON" (alertable) This is a 2-suited overcall to opponent's 1NT opening.
"INVERTED MINOR RAISES" (alertable) are 2C/1C or 2D/1D = 10+ points & 3m/1m = 7-9 points

"NORMAL BERGEN RAISES" (alertable) are 3C = 7-9 points & 3D = 10-12 points.

"INVERTED BERGEN RAISES" (alertable) are 3C = 10-12 points & 3D = 7-9 points.

"LEBENSOHL" (alertable) is a responder's bid of 2NT that forces opener to bid 3C. It is a "relay" that promises nothing in clubs. Compare to "TRANSFER".
"OGUST" (alertable) is a WEAK-2 opener's reply to responder's 2NT forcing response. 3C = weak hand, weak suit
3D = weak hand, strong suit
3H = strong hand, weak suit
3S = strong hand, strong suit

ACE-ASKING BIDS are all artificial.

"Psyche Bid". A bid made that is not according to partnership agreement and intended to destroy the opponents' discovery of their suit(s). Only one psyche bid is allowed in a "TOURNAMENT" and violators can be punished.

"Alert/Alertable Bid". Any bidding agreement that is non-standard (not recognized as standard) and not natural is required to be announced via an alert when partner makes such a bid. Usually artificial bids are alertable, but not all, because they have become recognized as standard bidding.

"Contended Suit Bid". Bidding a non-bid contended suit which is in essence a cue bid in the opponents' bid suit. It would be very unwise for the responder to a no-trump opener to transfer to such a suit where the intervening opponent has made an artificial bid showing a preference for that same suit.

"Uncontested Suit Bid". A bid in a suit that has not been explicitly expressed via a natural bid and/or a suit that has not been implied via an artificial bid,

"Sign Off/Close Out Bid". A bid that tells partner not to bid anymore.

"Corrective Bid". A bid made to place the final contract where the maximum score will be realized.

"Limit Bid". A bid made which limits the maker's hand to having no more than a certain number of bid points within a 3-point range. Usually, the first of two partners who makes a limit bid becomes the passive partner and the other partner becomes the controlling partner, aka the captain). The reason for this is that the captain has first knowledge of the meshed (combined) values. He is therefore the one to take charge and ask for aces, etc.

"Preemptive/Interference Bid". A bid made to take up bidding room, thereby interfering with the opponents bidding.

"Preemptive Opening". An opening bid at the 2-level or 3-level that anticipates opponents having a stronger hand and intends to interfere with their bidding.

"Weak Two Opening". A preemptive opening at the 2-level.

"Opening Bid". The first proposed contract bid specified.

"Simple Bid". A bid in the cheapest available level of bidding. No jumps.

"Jump Bid". A skip beyond the next available level of bidding

"Response". A bid may by the responder who is the partner of the opener.

"Weak Jump Shift Response". A responder jump to the next level in anew suit intended to preempt the opponents out of bidding.

"Up-the-Line" . A sequence of bidding at the one level wherein the lowest ranking 4-card suits are bid 1st and progressively in order (ie, up-the-line) in the absence of a 5-card suit. The intention is to find a 4-4 fit.

"Skip-Up-The-Line". In response to a 1 Club opener, some people prefer a bidding system that will skip over a 1 Diamond response when they hold a 5-card diamond suit and a 4-card major.

"Raise". A simple bid in a suit previously bid by one's partner.

"Simple Raise". Bidding your partner's suit at the next available level up.

"Jump Raise" . Bidding your partner's suit at one level above the next available level up.

"Limit Raise". The responder's immediate raise of opener's suit that limits his hand to a specific point range within 3 points. Limit raises may be simple raises or jump raises. This term usually used specifically to describe responder's jump raise to show 10-12 HCP and a 4-card supporting suit.

"Shift". The bidding of a new suit not previously mentioned by the partnership.

"Simple Shift". Bidding a new suit at the next available level up.

"Jump Shift". Bidding a new suit at one above the next available level up.

"Rebid". The rebidding of owns own suit,

"Simple Rebid: Bidding your own suit at the next available level up.

"Jump Rebid". Bidding your own suit at one above the next available level up.

"Reverse". Bidding one suit and then bidding a new suit that is higher in rank than the first suit bid. A strong reverse is one that bypasses a possible no trump call in going to the second suit. It indicates a stronger hand. A weak reverse is one that does not bypass a possible no trump call in going to the second suit.

"Down Shift". The sequence of bids made by one player wherein he bids his highest ranking suit on first round, followed by bidding his next lowest ranking suit on 2nd round, thereby giving partner the choice between 2 suits without changing levels. The opposite of a reverse. .

"Intervening Bid". A bid made by a contending non-opener. It interferes/intervenes with the opening partnership bidding. "Over-Call". A simple bid of a suit without jumping made by the contender.

"Defensive Bid". A bid by the non-opening contenders.

"Free Bid". A bid made freely without any forcing conditions being imposed. A free bid usually denotes having some points.

"Asking Bid". Typically, an artificial bid made to inquire into some specific feature of partner's hand. The Stayman and Blackwood conventions are examples.

"Invitational Bid". An invitational bid is a limit bid which "creeps up" to a game or slam contract. It is in the suit (or no suit) desired, but at a level (usually one less) than the level desired. The intention of an invitational bid is that the maker does not know whether his partner is in the lower or upper point range that he has previously indicated. Therefore, the invitation is for the partner to go to the next level (or higher) if he is in fact in his upper range.

"Forcing Bid". A bid that demands that the partner make a bid in the absence of the opposition making an intervening bid. (ie, partner must not pass).

"Take Out Bid". A forcing bid that is not meant to be left in by partner should the intervening opponent pass.

"Forcing Rejected Suit Bid". An unpassed/unlimited hand "FORCING REJECTED SUIT BID" is an artificial bid that temporarily denies interest in the suit being bid AND REQUIRES PARTNER TO BID AGAIN. Examples are: - When playing Hamilton, a 2D overcall of a 1NT opening is for the majors. There is no interest in diamonds, so it is a rejected suit. - When playing MIchaels, a cue bid in opponent's suit is for the higher unbid suits. There is no interest in the opponents' suit, so it is a rejected suit. - When playing Unusual NT, a jump to 2NT is for the unbid lowest ranking suits, not no-trump. There is no interest in no-trump, so it is a rejected suit. - When transferring your partner to a spades over his no-trump opening, you bid 2H. There is no interest in hearts, so it is a rejected suit. - When playing a 2D opening as 18-19 points balanced with a REJECTED MAJOR TRANSFER to 2NT, there is no interest in the major you are bidding since it is the weaker of the majors. Therefore, it is a temporarily rejected suit. - When you are playing 4C/4D Rejected Minor Ace Asking, you pick the minor you are least interested in to ask for aces, even though your partner may have bid it. So temporarily there is no interest in the minor you bid and it is a FORCING BID not an invitational bid, unless you have previously passed or limited your hand.

"Cue Bid". There are 2 meanings for this term depending on context. At the 4-level of bidding, one can "Cue Bid" the suit in which they hold an ace, thus showing their first round of control in an at-risk suit. A second meaning is to make a bid in the opponents' bid suit at a low level for the purpose of conveying something other than an interest in the suit. In either case, a cue bid is forcing.

"Forced Suit Bail-Out Reply". When the respondent is forced to bid via his partner's double, if he has no values at all, the respondent will attempt to "bail out" at the cheapest level in a suit where he has length. His partner is advised to be careful about bidding again.

"Forced Positive Reply." When the respondent appears to be forced to bid because his partner has doubled, if he has I 0 or more points, he can so indicate either by jumping a level over the cheapest available in his suit, or he can bid the opponents suit.

"Directional Bid". A bid that is forcing and demands the partner bid a specific suit at a specific level. It may also tell partner to pass, which is known as a close out bid.

"Sacrifice Bid/Contract". A bid made usually at or beyond game level that is not expected to make, but even though it does not make, it is a more economical way of giving the opponents a lesser score than if the opponents were to have the contract. Usually the "good" sacrifice contract goes down no more than 1 trick with unfavorable vulnerability, 2 tricks with equal vulnerability, and 3 tricks if favorable vulnerability. It is expected that the opponents will double, and where they will get the equivalent points attributed to the game or slam bonus points, they will not get the trick points they would otherwise get if they were in a game or slam contract.

3] Types Of Doubles:

"Handicap Bid/Stipulation". A "double" or "redouble" bid intended to penalize.

"Penalty Double". A bid intended to be left in by partner for the purpose of penalizing the opponents' last bid.
Aka, "Business Double", "Insult".

"Co-operative Double". On the 1st round of bidding, an overcall double of a bid made at or above the 3 level. It is normally optional for the respondent to bid. The weaker the respondent's hand, the more he should bid.

"Reopening Double". A "double" made by opener to get partner to bid after passing.

"Take-Out Informational Double". This is a bid made by the contender and forces his partner to bid unless the intervening opponent bids. It is not intended for penalties.

"Negative/Responder Double". This is an informational double made by responder on his chance to bid. It is not for penalties.

"'Stolen Suit Doubles". This is typically a "double" issued by the partner of a no-trump opener after there has been an intervening bid. It is intended to say "He stole my bid".

"SOS Redouble". A redouble is normally construed to say to the opposition, "We bet we can make it". However, the redouble gives the opposition a chance to change their mind and pull the bid. Therefore, the redouble in this context is not a good bid, because if you really think you can make it, then why give the opposition the information and the chance to change? Therefore, a better use of the redouble is an SOS to your partner that says, "Partner, I don't have support for what you just bid. Try something else". With this information, partner can leave it in if he does care about your support or change his bid to another suit where you may have better support.

f. Types Of "Overall Suit Distribution": Used in reference as to how a single suit is distributed among all four players' hands.

"Suit Contention". The comparison of the opponents' relative strength in a suit.

"Contended Suit". A contended suit is one where two opponents have long and similar predominant lengths. In the bidding one of the two opponents may have indicated a preference for that suit via an artificial bid. In other words, they may have not actually bid the suit, but they have clearly indicated a preference for it. Should the other opponent turn around and bid the indicated suit, then it is the equivalent of a cue bid.

"Dominant Suit Hand/Length". Among all of the players' (ie, opponents included) holdings in the same suit, the longest of the two opposing predominant lengths.

"Vacant Suit". The partnership has neither the dominant length or favorable mesh count in the suit.

"Contended Suit". A suit in which the runable lengths of the opponents are EQUAL. Neither has the dominant length. A "Favorable Contended Suit" is where the partnership holds the most in mesh count. In an"Unfavorable Contended Suit" they do not hold the most in mesh count.

"Pandora Suit". A suit where one partnership has dominant length, but the other partnership has favorable mesh count. It must be specifically 5-1 vs 4-3 or 5-0 vs 4-4 or 6-0 vs 4-3 or 6-0 vs 5-2 A "Favorable Pandora" is where the partnership holds the dominant length in the suit, but mot the most mesh count. An "Unfavorable Pandora" is where the partnership holds a favorable mesh count, but not the dominant length.

"Occupied Suit". A suit in which one partnership has both dominant length and favorable mesh count.

"Owned Suit". An occupied suit or favorable pandora suit which also contains high valued honor cards.

"Self-Transportable Suit". A suit in which the supporting hand length has a sufficient number of cards with small enough values to get into the predominant length side during the play of the hand.

"Side Suit". A non-trump suit which is either an occupied suit or a favorable pandora suit. Or to put it more simply, a runable suit.

"Long/Slow/Reserve Tricks". These are tricks that "MIGHT" be taken in a concentrated dominating long runable suit after all of the other players are out or depleted in that suit during the play of the hand. A potential long trick cannot exist without there being at least four cards in the suit, because it could be possible that the other three players hold only three cards in the suit. Therefore, a player holding a 4-card suit or more will consider the possibilities of his hand taking long tricks.

"Long Trick Count". Long Trick Count = Dominant Length - Opponents' Predominate length.

"Assured Suit Dominance". Dominance in a suit can only be assured when it is certain that you have more cards in the suit than the opponents. If you hold 7 or more cards in a suit in just one hand, then you are assured the dominance of that suit, because because the opponents can hold no more than 6 cards in that suit. This provides the assurance that you can establish Slow/Long/Reserve tricks in the suit that is runable.
b. The High Cards In An Individual Hand.

"First Round Suit Lead Control". Nearly synonymous with "stopper", but has a broader meaning in that it could be one of two things: - A void in the suit which makes it possible to immediately win the trick if playing a trump suit contract. - An immediate natural winner in the suit such as the ace.

"Trump Protected". In a final contract where trump is specified, this refers to a suit being protected by virtue of it being void, thereby enabling the use of the trump suit to win the trick should that suit be led. In other words, on the first attempt to lead that suit it can be trumped.

"Natural Winner". Assuming the absence of a trump suit, this is a card that will win/take or possibly win a trick. There are two broad categories of natural winners, each having two types of winners: - 1) "Sure Winners" are those that will win a trick for sure, because they are fully protected from being dropped and from the left-hand opponent. There are two types: -- a) Quick Tricks are off the top. -- b) Sheltered Quick Tricks need to be promoted. - 2) "Potential Winners/Possible Losers". -- a) Unsheltered Tricks are drop protected but not left-hand opponent protected. -- b) Long (Slow) Tricks are the benefit of a long dominant runnable suit. (See previous section.)

"Honor/Face/High Cards". The Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and maybe Ten in a suit.

"Quick Trick". This is a guaranteed sure winning card in the absence of the final contract being in a trump suit contract. In the old Culbertson system, an ace is worth 1 quick trick, a semi-protected king is worth 1/2 quick trick, because it has a 50/50 chance of winning depending on where the ace is located. But beyond that simple definition, any sheltered fully protected card is a quick trick. (See "Sheltered Quick Tricks" below.)

"Controls/Control Count". Aces and kings only. Basically the same as quick tricks, but aces are worth 2 points and kings are worth 1 point. There are some folks who use control count in responding to partner's 2C strong opening or his 4NT Key Card asking bids to be described later.

"Drop Protected Card/"Partially Protected Suit". This pertains to there being a sufficient number of cards in the suit to prevent a specific card in the suit from being captured should the left hand opponent first claim (ie, lead out, cash) all his high cards in that suit, followed by the right-hand opponent doing the same, thereby leaving our specific "drop protected" card as the highest card left in the suit to win a trick and where the opponents still hold cards in the suit remaining to be played. A drop protected card is not necessarily a "sure winner" unless it has "left-hand opponent protection" too. Otherwise, the drop protected card could still be captured by the left-hand opponent, especially if the left hand opponent holds a winning card in reserve rather than cashing it in. Examples: Qxx tripleton The Queen is drop-protected by the xx. KJ doubleton The King is drop-protected by the Jack.

"Sheltered". A sheltered card is a lower card in a suit with a higher card above it. In other words, the lower card has a "roof over it’s head". Shelter is from the top down. "Unsheltered" is support from the bottom up. Sheltering helps to provide protection from the left-hand opponent, but does not fully assure it unless there are a sufficient number of shelter cards. Examples: In KJ doubleton The Jack is sheltered, but not protected from the left-hand opponent. KQ doubleton The Queen is sheltered and fully protected from the left-hand opponent.

"Left-Hand Opponent Protected/Fully Protected Suit/Sufficiently Sheltered". A card in a suit is protected from being captured by the left-hand opponent by virtue of there being a sufficient number of sheltering cards higher than itself which can force the left hand opponent to expend his higher cards, thereby promoting the lower protected card into a sure winner. It is both drop protected and left-hand opponent protected. Example: In QJT the Ten is fully-protected by the QJ.

"Unsheltered Tricks". These are cards that are potential (but not sure) winners, because they are drop protected, but not left-hand opponent protected.

"Sheltered Quick Tricks/Promotable Winners". These are lower cards that are left-hand opponent protected by enough higher cards that are expendable to promote the lower card into a winner.

"KPC=Key Protection Card" and"LPC=Lowest Protectable Card". The KPC and LPC are useful tools for identifying the presence of any natural winners. The KPC and LPC are unique card values in a suit associated with the suit length that establish reference points for evaluating a suit. The KPC represents the lowest valued high card (for the given suit length) required to promote a lower valued card. If you have no cards equal to or higher than the KPC, then you have no winners, because you have no card that is drop protectable and no shelter for any card that might be promotable. The LPC represents that lowest value that a lower valued promotable card can be for the given suit length. For example, in a 4-card suit, the lowest valued high card that can be used to promote a lower card is the Jack, and the corresponding lowest valued card that can be promoted by the Jack the top of a sequence is the 8. If you have cards equal to or higher than the KPC, then you have at least a drop-protected card, but you need to see if you have a sure winner. To determine this, your lowest card in the suit must be at least equal to or higher than the LPC, ie, you must have no cards less than the LPC. The KPC is identified by the formula: KPC = 15 - N , Where N = suit length The LPC is identified by the formula: LPC = KPC - (N - 1) = (15 - N) - (N -1) = 16- 2N The following table shows for each value of N (ie, suit length) the associated KPC and LPC. N ------- KPC = 15-N -------------- LPC = KPC-(N - 1) = (15 - N)- (N - 1) = 16 - 2N N = 1, then KPC = 15-1 = 14, the ace. LPC = 14-0 = 14, the ace. N = 2, KPC = 15-2= 13, the king. LPC = 13-1 = 12, the queen. N = 3, KPC = 15-3 = 12, the queen. LPC = 12-2 = 10, the ten. N = 4, KPC = 15-4 = 11, the jack. LPC = 11-3 = 8, the eight. N = 5, KPC = 15-5 = 10, the ten. LPC = 10-4 = 6. the six. N = 6, KPC = 15-6 = 9, the nine. LPC = 9-5 = 6, the four. N = 7, KPC = 15-7 = 8, the eight. LPC = 8-6 = 2, the deuce. Example: Say our suit length is 4. Therefore, our key protection card (KPC) is the jack and our lowest protectable card (LPC) is the 8. If the lowest card in our suit is the 8, then we have at least one sure winner. Consider the possibilities. We could have JT98 in which case the 8 is fully sheltered. We could have AKQJ in which case the jack is fully sheltered. And so on. Example: Say our suit length is 3. KPC= the queen and LPC= the ten. We could have K,J,T in which case the ten is fully protected. Should your lowest card be equal or greater than the LPC, the question remains,.. How many winners? You have at least 1, but are there more? To answer that question, starting from the top first identify any touching cards, count them and subtract how many higher cards are out above those. Example: With a 4-card suit You hold 8-T-QK. You have 2 touching honors with one higher card out, giving you 2-1 = 1 trick. If instead you held 8-JQK, then you would have 3-1 = 2 tricks. If your lowest card in the suit is less than LPC, then you need to do some adjusting to determine if you still don't have a winner. (See "NBC" below.)

"To Identify a sequence". -a. Determine the LPC -b.Substitute cross protections from short hand to low cards in long hand until lowest card in long hand Is higher than the hi card in short hand. -c.If lowest unprotected card in long hand is equal or greater than LPC, it becomes the lowest hi card LHC, And there is a sequence with at least 1 quick trick.

"Adjusted KPC, LPC and NCB- The Number Of Cards Below LPC". If initially you found that your lowest card was less than the original LPC, then you need to treat your hand suit as if it's 1 card less and, using that adjusted LPC, see if your next from your bottom card is equal or above the adjusted LPC. If it is, then repeat the steps outlined under KPC, LPC.. If your next from bottom card is still less than the adjusted LPC, then again treat your suit as if it is 1 card less and repeat the process. Once you have reduced the adjusted length down to 1 card, you can stop, because you have no sure winners. Another way of looking at it is as follows. NCB is the count of the actual number of cards in a suit that fall below the designated LPC reference. If NCB = 0, then there are a sufficient number of high cards above the actual lowest card to promote that low card into a sure high card winner, ie, a sheltered quick trick. If NCB = N (the suit length), there are no high card winners in the suit. If N > NCB > 0 , then there still may be winners in the suit. Should you have a card or cards below the LPC and cards above the KPC, then you must count those cards below the LPC to give you the NBC (number below count) and subtract NBC form the original card length, N, and refigure the KPC2 and LPC2 for the adjusted card length (N2) to see if you don't have a sure winner. N2 = N - NBC. Example: With a 4-card suit You hold 6, 7, Q, K You have 2 cards below LPC, therefore adjusted length N2 = N - NBC = 4 -2 = 2. The adjusted KPC2 = the king, and the adjusted LPC2 = the queen. Since the remaining card are equal and above the adjusted LPC2, you have a winner(s).

"High Card Distribution". This is how the high cards stand in relationship to each other in each suit. Are the high cards concentrated in one suit or are they spread around the suits.

"Continuous Suit Sequence". An honor card distribution in the same suit wherein there are "touching" (ie, adjacent valued) honor cards in a continuous unbroken string. Example, a KQJ in spades is an continuous unbroken sequence.

"Inside Sequence/Broken Sequence". A sequence whose top card is not the highest card in the suit. There is a higher honor card, but not touching . Example: AQJxx where the QJ is an inside sequence.

"Top of a Sequence". The top valued honor card in a sequence.

"Broken Suit/Holes". A suit having honor cards, but without any sequences.

"High Card Point Count (HCP)". This is the Goren Appraisal Method using points assigned to the four top honors in each suit. Ace = 4 pts, King = 3 pts, Queen = 2 pts, Jack = 1 pt. Thus, in the entire deck of cards there are 40 HCP.

"HCP Bid Points". In any one player's hand, this is the total number of high card points (HCP) contained in the hand immediately after the deal.

"Counting Losers With ‘Tweeners" # of losers = +++ (# of losers - # or winners) / 2 where +++ = "sum of" # of winners = 13 - # of losers - # of ‘tweeners # of losers = +++(# of losers - [13 - # of losers - # of ‘tweeners]) = (2 [ # of losers] - 13 + tweeners) / 2

"Counting Hi Card Winners". -a. Compress hi cards to hi-card equivalents, HCE -b. # of quick tricks = (HCE – LHC + 1) – (14 – HCE) + (14 – HCE – Holes) / 2 -c. # of winners = (# of Quick Tricks + our L/T) + our ruffs - their L/T - Their ruffs





1. Auction Hand Evaluation.


2. Bidding Phase.

a. General Bidding Terms. ********* (Moved to Section 3.)

"Bid". A bid is statement made by a single player when it is his turn. There are three types of statements the player can make. - "Pass" ………………………………………………………………. he refuses to bid. - A Proposed Contract Statement/Bid………………… he is competing to win the final contract. - A Penalty Statement/Bid…………………………………. he is challenging the last declarative or penalty statement made.

"Opener". The very 1st person to make a non-pass bid.

"Bid Positions Relative To Opener". - The partner (sitting opposite the opener) is automatically designated the "Responder". The opponents automatically become the"Contender/Respondent partnership".

"Responder". The partner of the opener.

"Contender/Overcaller". The first of the opener’s opponents to make a bid. The partner automatically becomes the "Respondent".

"Respondent". The contender’s partner.

"Proposed Contract Bid". This is a bid made by a player to participate in the bidding with the purpose of winning the final contract. If, after the bid is made, there are three successive "passes", the proposed contract becomes the final contract.

"Penalty Bid/Stipulation". This is a statement a bidder makes to challenge the most recent bid made. There are two types of penalty bids: - "Double" - "ReDouble"

"Penalty Business Double/Insult". When a doubler says "Double", he usually means that he does not believe the most recent bid given is a makable contract statement. Further, he is imposing extra penalty points in the scoring should the opponent giving the bid fail to succeed in the proposed contract. However, the "double" may be for information to partner and not for penalties.

"ReDouble". This is a come-back bid made to the doubler saying that proposed contract bidder believes the proposed contract is makable, and he imposes further penalties against the doubler should he make the contract. But, should he fail to make the contract, then he will incur even stiffer penalties in the score against him.

"Vulnerable/Vulnerability". This is a condition stipulated at the beginning of a round that must be observed in the bidding, because it affects the scoring of the round. If a partnership is designated as being "Vulnerable", then it is subject to greater rewards in the scoring if it makes the proposed contract, but it is also subject to greater penalties in the scoring if it fails to make the proposed contract. If a partnership is not designated to be vulnerable, then it is "Non-Vulnerable".

"Declarers". The last partnership to bid become the winner(s) of the final contract and are called the "Declarers".

"Grand Slam Contract". A final contract where the bid level is "7", meaning the declarers intend to take all 13 tricks, ie, 7 + book of 6.

"Small/Baby Slam Contract". A final contract where the bid level is 6, meaning declarers intend to take 12 tricks.

b. Types Of Bids. (For specific systems/conventions, see section C.) (MOVED TO SECTION 3) -----------------------------------------------------

3. Pre-Play Strategy - Planning The Play Of The Hand Phase.
a. Basic Definitions

"Declaring Partnership". The partnership who won the final contract.

"Declarer". This is the individual player of the declaring partnership who will play both hands of the partnership in their attempt to make/complete their final contract. He becomes declarer as a consequence of his having been the first of the two partners to name the suit of the contract. His partner becomes the "Dummy".

"Dummy". This is the individual player of the declaring partnership who will put his hand down on the table face up for all to see. He is also referred to as "The Board" or "The Table" during the play.

"Defenders". These are the opponents of the declarer during the bidding and play of the hand.

"Lead". The first card played to the next trick.

"Opening Lead". This is very first lead made to trick #1, ie, the very first card played to very first trick. The opening lead is always made by the person to the declarer’s left and before dummy exposes his hand.

"Lead Position". In playing to a trick, the first person to play is called the "LEADER" and he may select any card of any suit to begin the next trick. Who ever wins the trick becomes the lead to the next trick.

"Trick Playing Positions". These are the clockwise player positions relative to the lead position, where the lead is "1st hand " followed by "2nd hand", "3rd hand", and finally "4th hand". These trick positions are constantly changing, because the lead position is constantly changing depending upon who won the previous trick.

"Suit Of The Trick/Lead Suit". This is the suit selected by the leader to the next trick.

"Following Suit". Each player to a specific trick is required to play a card in the same suit as the suit of the trick, unless he has no more cards in that suit, ie, he is void, at which time he may chose any card in his hand to be played on the trick.

"Sluff/Discard". Once a player has no more cards in the suit of the trick, he may select a losing card from another suit to play on the trick. This is called sluffing or discarding.

"Ruffing/Trumping". Ruffing/trumping a trick is the attempt to win a trick by playing a card from the declared trump suit when a player can no longer follow suit. More specifically, ruffing occurs from the hand that has the supportive length in trump, where trumping occurs from the hand having the running length in trump between two partners.


b. Suit Splits and Combined/Meshed Partnership Hands.

"Fit/MisFit". Between two partners, "Fit" describes a favorable meshing/combining of the two hands together, where each hand lends to strength of the partners€™s hand. "Misfit" describes an unfavorable meshing of the two hands.

"Split/Suit Split". This refers to how many cards in a suit each partner holds. A 5-2 split means one partner has 5 cards in the suit, where the other has 2 cards in that same suit.

"Predominant and Supporting Suit Hands". This refers to the relative lengths in the same suit between partners. It does not pertain to the overall size of the number of cards held between partners. One partner may have 2 cards in a suit while the other has 3 cards. Obviously the opponents have more cards in the suit meaning they have greater over all population. But here we are referring to the relative suit population size between partners, exclusive of the opponents.

"The Predominant Suit Hand". This is the partner having the greater length (card count) in a specific suit. ‘The Supporting Suit Hand". This is the partner having the shorter length (card count) in a specific suit.

"Matched Suit Hands". This is where both partners have the same card count in a specific suit. They are equally populated.

"Predominant Suit Length". This is the length of the partner having the predominant suit hand. It is the longest between partners.

"Supporting Suit Length". This is the card count of the number of cards in the shorter supporting suit hand.

"Matched Populated Suit Length". This is the card count of the number of cards in just one of the matched suit hands. Between two partners, they both have the same number of cards in a specific suit. Either partner could be considered as having the predominant length. Example: A 4-4 fit or match in a specific suit.

"Meshed Suit Length". Refers to how many total cards in a suit the partnership holds. The predominant length added to the supportive length.

"Short Mesh". A suit where the meshed card count is less than 7 cards in the suit.

"Long Mesh". A suit where the meshed card count is greater than 6 cards in the suit.

"Concentrated Short Mesh". A suit whose populated suit length is 4 to 6 cards, but the meshed suit length is less than 7 cards.

"Concentrated Long Mesh". A suit whose populated suit length is 4+ cards, the meshed suit length is 7+ cards.

"Matched Short Mesh". A suit split evenly between partners having a meshed suit length less than 7 cards, ie, 3-3, 2-2, or 1-1.

"Matched Long Mesh". A suit split evenly between partners and having a meshed suit length greater than 7 cards.

"Unmatched Void". A void in one partners€™s hand where the other partner holds cards in that suit.

"Matched Void". Both partners are void in the same suit. (Not a likely scenario.)

"Cross Substitution". The mental process of replacing the low cards in the predominant suit hand with the highest cards from the shorter supporting suit hand.

"Cross Protected/Covered/Sheltered". This means that, where the suit in one hand has breaks/holes in high cards, the partners€™s hand fills those breaks/holes with his high cards in that same suit. "Combined Sequence". A sequence in a suit that results from the combination of high cards of the two partners€™s hands where there were previously breaks/holes in each individual hand.

"Combined Broken Suit". A suit which is still missing some high cards even after considering partners€™s support.

"Combined Lead Protection". As a result of the combined resources of the partners' hands, all suits have stoppers.

"Cross Support". It comes from the long hand where it holds cards of lesser value than the RLPC. Cross support provides protection against Cannibalism which occurs when there is no cross-support to prevent the shorter hand from crashing honors with the runable hand.


c. Technique Definitions.

1) Lead Related.

"Under-Lead" To lead a card smaller than the top card in a suit. Usually, to underlead an ace or king on the opening lead is not a good idea, because it is self finessing.

"Self Finessing". To underlead one's winners, thereby letting the opponent win his higher cards unchallenged. It is like letting the cat out of the bag. You do not want the opponent to escape being captured.

"Lead From Nothing". This is the lead from a suit containing no honors and therefore safe from self finessing.

"Drive Out". This is a lead of a high card to promote or setup a lower card beneath it.

"Fourth Best" This is a common opening lead made against a no-trump contract.Fourth best from longest and strongest.

"Lead Through Strength Up To Weakness"

"Exit/Lead Resignation".

"Lead Capitulation". The giving up of an extra trick by virtue of being in the lead.


"Cashing In". The playing of trick winning cards from 1st hand to assure their collection. Usually done when it has become clear that opponent has established a dominant length suit.

"Two-for-One" . This usually occurs when the one of the defenders is out of trump and declarer still has trump in both of his hands. However, it can be effective for the declarer if he is in a bad trump contract and would have been better off in NT anyway.

2) 2nd, 3rd, 4th Hand Play.

"Following Suit".

"2nd Hand Low/3rd Hand High"'


3) Declarer Techniques.

"Suit Establishment".



"Cross Ruff".

"Extension Of Tricks".



"Short Card Finesse".

"Trap Card Finesse".

"Ruffing Finesse".

"Saftey Play".

"Zoom Play"

"Squeeze Play"

"Reverse Squeeze". The squeezing of 4th hand.

"Elimination Play"

"End Play".


"Idle Plays". Idle driveout, idle ruffing, idle trapping, idle zooming.

4) Defender Techniques.

"Cover An Honor"

"Unblock". The playing of high value cards and saving low valued cards in the supportive-suit-length to assure entry into the prevailing length

"Blocked". A suit in which the supportive-suit-length does not have small enough values to get into the prevailing length.

"False Card".



"Suit Shift".


"Ruff and Sluff". This occurs when a suit is led in which the 2nd and 4th hands are void and both 2nd and 4th hands have trump. It usually results in the loss of a trick to the side who made the lead, because the beneficiary (ie, 2nd and 4th hands) can trump in one hand and sluff (discard) a looser from another suit.


d. "Defensive Playing Signal Conventions".

"Discard". As a result of being unable to follow suit, the sluffing or throwing off of a card in another suit.

"Suit Preference Signal". A signal indicating preference for either a higher ranking suit or lower ranking suit other than the one played.

These signals can be given in following suit and/or in discarding.

"Card Count". This is one of the oldest signal systems where the play of a low card in a suit, followed by a higher card in the same suit, shows an odd number of cards. An even number of cards is shown by a hi-lo sequence.

"Hi-Lo Positive Attitude". Positive attitude has replace card count , where a hi-lo sequence shows you have winners in that suit, or at least like that suit over the others. A lo-hi sequence says you don't like it.

"Odd/Even Signal". A discard signal where you throw off a suit you don't want with a suit preference signal as indicated by your discard of an odd or even card.

"Laventhal Signal". A discard signal where you throw off a suit you don't want with a suit preference signal as indicated by your


(This area still in progress)

e. Scoring Phase.

"Partial and Partial Points:

"Game and Game Points".

"Slam and Slam Points".


"Match Points".

"IMPs – International Match Points".

"Overtrick and Overtrick Points".

"Undertricks and Undertrick Points".

"Part Score".


"Set/Down Penalty Points".

"Bid Trick Points".

"Bid Trick".

"Bonus Points".

"Extended Bid Level Score".


f. The Handling Of Errors.

"Bid Out Of Turn"

"Insufficient Bid"

"Failure to Alert an artificial or non-standard bid"

"Excessive use of Psyche Bid"

"Lead/Play Out Of Turn"


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TRASH CAN: "Score Sheet". The sheet of paper upon which are recorded the scores resulting from the play of each round. "Set/Set-Session". In RUBBER-BRIDGE, a set-session is called a "rubber" which is the consecutive playing of any number of shuffled and dealt hands between two opponents until one of the opponents achieves the best two out of three games. In DUPLICATE-BRIDGE, a set-session is a "round" which is the play of a fixed number of pre-dealt hands played between two opponents. "Designated Rotation". The direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise) around the table in which identifications/events occur. The standard is clockwise. -"The Meshed Hand". Refers to the combined suit holdings of 2 partners. -"Meshed Suit Length Distribution Types". Between partners, there are six types of meshed distribution. 1) Occupied Distribution - we totally occupy it 2) Favorable Paradox Distribution - we dominate the length 3) Unfavorable Paradox Distribution - we don't dominate 4) Favorable Contended Distribution - we share length + 5) Unfavorable Contended Distribution - we share length ­ 6) Vacant distribution - we neither dominate nor contend -"Single-Hand Suit Length". In a given persons hand, the number of cards originally held in a given suit. -"Supportive Suit Length". Between 2 partners holdings in the same suit, the shorter original length between the two. -"Prevailing Suit Length". Between 2 partners holdings in the same suit, the longer original length between the two. - "Dominant Length". The longest number of cards originally held in a suit in a single hand among all players. A long trick is assured. -"Contended Suit". A suit in which the prevailing lengths of the opposing hands are equal. Neither has dominant length. -"Favorable Contention vs Unfavorable Contention". Favorable contention belongs to the partnership having favorable mesh count. - "Meshed-Hand Count" . The aggregate combined count of a partnerships card holding in a suit. -"Favorable Mesh Count". A meshed-hand count of 7 or more cards. A favorable mesh count usually indicates dominant length in that suit as well, BUT not always. (see paradox suit) If you have favorable mesh count, how do you identify dominant length??? -"Occupied Suit". A suit in which a partnership has both dominant length & favorable mesh count. At least one long trick is assured in that suit. -"Paradox Suit". A suit where one partnership has dominant length, but the other partnership has favorable mesh count. It must be specifically 5-1 vs 4-3 or 5-0 vs 4-4 or 6-0 vs 4-3 or 6-0 vs 5-2 -"Favorable Paradox Suit". The paradox suit holding that has dominant length. -"Unfavorable Paradox Suit". The paradox suit holding that does not have the dominant length. -"Vacant Suit". No dominant length or favorable mesh count -"Owned Suit". An occupied suit or favorable paradox suit which also contains high valued honor cards. -"Self-Transportable Suit". A suit in which the supportive length has small enough values to' get into the prevailing length. -"Directional Bid". A bid that is forcing that demands the partner bid a specific suit at a specific level. It may also tell partner to pass, which is known as a close out bid. -"Down Shift". The sequence of bids made by one player wherein he bids his highest ranking suit on first round, followed by bidding his next lowest ranking suit on 2nd round, thereby giving partner the choice between 2 suits without changing levels. The opposite of a reverse. -"Forced Suit Bail-Out Reply". When the respondent is forced to bid via his partner's double, if he has no values at all, the respondent will attempt to "bail out" at the cheapest level in a suit where he has length. His partner is advised to be careful about bidding agam. -"Forced Positive Reply." When the respondent appears to be forced to bid because his partner has doubled, if he has I 0 or more points, he can so indicate either by jumping a level over the cheapest available in his suit, or he can bid the opponents suit.




"Culbertson Quick Trick System".

. "Goren High Card Point System".

"Control Card Point System".

"Key Card System".


"Standard American System".

"Ted's Evolutionary System". Modifications to Standard American.

"Shinwald ".

"Shenken System".

"Roman Italian System".

----------------------------------------------------- c. Bidding Conventions.


"Short Club Convention".

"Convenient Minor Convention".

"1C FORCING" In Ted's systems a 1C opening may be as few as 1 card in the clubs suit.

"2C OPENING FORCING" In Ted's system a 2C opening describes a hand containing 19-14 points. In Standard American 2C only promises 24 or more points.

"FIVE CARD MAJOR CONVENTION". Opener promises at least a 5 card suit.

"MINI ROMAN CONVENTION". 2D opening shows a 3-suited hand.


"Weak No Trump Over-Call".

"MICHAELS". Is a cue bid in opener's suit showing 5-5 in the highest unbid suits.

"Top and Bottom Bid".

"UNUSUAL 2NT" is a contender JUMP-OVERCALL describing a 2-suited hand containing 5-5 in the lowest unbid suits. Do not confuse with responder's LEBENSOHL 2NT.

"HAMILTON" is a 2-suited overcall to opponent's 1NT opening.


"NORMAL MINOR RAISE" Is 2C/1C or 2D/1D = 7-0 points & 3m/1m = 10+ points

"INVERTED MINOR RAISE" are 2C/1C or 2D/1D = 10+ points & 3m/1m = 7-9 points

"2C DRURY". Is a 10-12 point limit-raise in response to a 3rd seat major suit opening.

"BERGEN RAISE". Is a raise of n major suit opening & promises 4+ card support, wherein 3C = 7-9 points & 3D = 10-12 points.

"INVERTED BERGEN RAISE". Reverses the point counts, wherein 3C = 10-12 points & 3D = 7-9 points.

"Splinter Bid".

"LEBENSOHL" is a responder's bid of 2NT that forces opener to bid 3C. It is a "relay" that promises nothing in clubs. Compare to "TRANSFER".

"STAYMAN" is a responder's bid of 2C/1NT opening or 3C/2NT opening that forces opener to bid a 4+ card major if he has it or deny by bidding diamonds.

"Jacoby Transfer".

"4 Way Transfers".

"Preemptive Responses"

"OGUST" is a WEAK-2 opener's reply to responder's 2NT forcing response. 3C = weak hand, weak suit 3D = weak hand, strong suit 3H = strong hand, weak suit 3S = strong hand, strong suit ACE-ASKING BIDS are all artificial.

"WESTERN-CUE" asking for a stopper in opponents suit.

"Step Responses".

"Control Responses".

"2 Over 1".


"Gerber Convention".

"BlackWood Convention". A bid of 4NT understood to be asking for a count of aces from partner.


"Roman Key Card Convention".


"14-30 Convention".

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